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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It has been mild around here for the past few days and our lake is in the process of thawing - which means that it could refreeze smooth enough to skate on - if we don't get snow on it.  It has been a very mild December with no snow to speak of. 
I put a picture of the big rock in the front yard.  We lost a tree next to it and it is quite amazing how much it opened up that area.  You can actually see the rock. 
I spent the day varathaning all the mouldings that Rejean finished yesterday while I was out shopping with Linda in the Sault.  He took off hunting and I stayed home to work.  4 1/2 hours later about 95% of it is complete - the other 5% need more coats of varathane on them.  Tomorrow we put them up and then we should be done by the end of the week - right on schedule.  I also am in the process of doing my Honey Crystal Almonds - I need some more canning jars to fill up so I'll have get them tomorrow in town.  I am a procrastinator and I am right on track to not be done before Christmas...
See Ya Bye

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