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Thursday, December 29, 2011


Back home safe and sound from another whirlwind Christmas vacation down in Windsor and Gorrie.  There is never enough time to visit everyone we wanted to but we did get all the visiting in with the family.  Christmas Eve is always spent at Lise and Dan's - their house is made for the gathering and does accomodate the masses.  We had our Christmas dinner at Marilou's with Stacey and Andrew, Sadie and Rejean's mom.  It was delicious.  We did the Turkey in a Box - no stress, no mess.  Boxing day finished with a visit to Anne and Jame's place where we had Pizza - my favourite.  They are in the middle of remodelling their whole main floor and I can say it is beautiful.  I even picked up an idea for a wall of stone.  There has to be somewhere I can use it. 
On the 27th we headed to Gorrie to visit with my sister Susan and her family.  She has 2 dogs - Disney and Poop.  That is Susan laying on the floor trying to retrieve Disney's ball from under the fridge.  Disney smelled the ball under the fridge and would not budge until Susan (or whoever else felt like laying down to look under the fridge for it) retrieved it.  Poop (yes that is her real name) is Disney's daughter - Susan kept her when Disney had her puppies a few years ago.  AND the beagle is Kloe.  For those who know me, I want a beagle named Betty (but that day will never come).  Kloe is Troy (Susan's son) and Lindsay's dog who is always over at Susan's to play with Disney and Poop.  So this visit I got to get my fill of playing with a beagle and pretending that she was mine.  All 3 dogs are fun to be with but, like children, you play with them then return them to their rightful owners.
We got home today and it was a good ride home - a little chilly but no snow to speak of.  On Tuesday nite here it was -27 with a wind chill of -41!!!  Just a little nippy.  I got to see Boots this evening - first time in a long time.  Ron fed him while we were away and he said that Boots had his girl friend with him.  I think I christened her Ginger.  So I gave him some extra so maybe he left some for Ginger.
Now we have to get ready for New Year's Eve on Axe.  I am looking forward to that - it is always a good time.
See Ya Bye

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