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Saturday, December 3, 2011


Saturday is dump day around here and it is my job to take our garbage to the dump.  I have mentioned before that we have a structure at the dump where people leave their things they no longer want but are too good to just dispose of.  I always poke around in there - you never know what you will find - there is even a joke that you know you are a red neck when you go home from the dump with more than you took.  Guilty!!!  Well today I picked this baby up for the hall.  It is a Black and Decker Food Processor.  I told Dave who mans the dump that if it didn't work, I would keep my receipt and return it ;o)  But it works like a charm - just like new.  I also picked up 2 big stacks of magazines to read - I have cancelled all my magazine subscriptions because I just don't have the time to read them so why waste my money (besides, I am cheap).   So today, I am a redneck.
AND it is snowing today.  We have been having trouble with the road conditions lately - the new company hired to take care of the highway is only doing the bare bones - we have had 2 snowfalls and 2 accidents!!!  Our MP is aware of the problem and is working on a solution.  the ride to the dump was a bit harrowing but the snow plow passed me going north so at least they are out.  But it is beginning to look a lot like winter...and Christmas...
See Ya Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like new!!