All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...
Linda and I will be hitting the highway to the big city of Sudbury Tuesday morning to take in a Johnny Reid concert at the Sudbury Arena. Linda was a big fan and I was eventually won over by this singer. When I heard the tickets were going on sale back in November, I was on the computer first thing and snagged a couple of good tickets and May 1st has finally arrived. I bought his new cd and Linda has a few of his older ones and we will be cranking them up full blast for the 2 1/2 hour trip to Sudbury. It will be an over niter and we will get some shopping done at the Costco while we are there.
I can't remember the last concert I was at but I am really looking forward to this one. He has a voice like Rod Stewart - kind of raspy - and he appeals to a wide variety of people - young and old - I guess I fall somewhere in between.
Can't wait!!!!
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Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
It was a nice day and the "kids" started the day off by visiting the dock - we fed Jacques who is back after a long winter and then went for a ride. We ended up at Ron and Mary's where Stacey got to go for a ride with Ron in the Rino side by side. She was smiling when she got out and declared it was fun. We poked around for a bit then headed back home for cocktails on the deck. It was sunny and warm and we all had our shorts and Ts on. After dinner, I headed downstairs for a workout and Boots came around. He hasn't been around for a bit probably because Sadie is here but he was back tonite. After his treat, he just hung around in the sun and I got a bunch of good pictures of him - he is quite the poser. It was nice to see him again.
See Ya Bye
See Ya Bye
Each spring Ed and Barry come up for a week and help prepare for hunting season - they clear trails, blaze new trails and scope out new sites. They were lucky this year because Andrew was up and helped them out every day. Barry took advantage of the situation and set up one of his tree blinds. It doesn't look like much right now but in November, that stand will be a condo. He will have it enclosed with all the comforts of home - a heater, pee collector, 60 inch big screen tv (not really) and he will be very comfortable in there. He has a very good view of the area too.
They left this morning and I am sad to see them go. Talk about perfect guests!!! I have to fight to get in my own kitchen and Lord help me if I try and wash any dish. They compliment my cooking and thank me for feeding them!!! And they bring up tons of food but they were told not to bring up any food this time but did they listen? No. We had delicious shepherd's pie and lasagna for 2 nights and treats....galore. Bad company.
See you in November Boys.
They left this morning and I am sad to see them go. Talk about perfect guests!!! I have to fight to get in my own kitchen and Lord help me if I try and wash any dish. They compliment my cooking and thank me for feeding them!!! And they bring up tons of food but they were told not to bring up any food this time but did they listen? No. We had delicious shepherd's pie and lasagna for 2 nights and treats....galore. Bad company.
See you in November Boys.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Once again it is fish stocking time. There were lots of volunteers this time - Barry and Ed and Andrew helped along with the usuals - Ron, Rejean, Ginny and Bob. They all helped to stock 9000 rainbow trout in various streams around here. Hopefully they will make their way down to the river where we will catch them this summer and summers to come.
See Ya Bye
See Ya Bye
...what was going thru her mind as she sat and sipped her $16.00 glass of orange juice...
Shame on YOU Bev Oda
opinions expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone
Shame on YOU Bev Oda
opinions expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Along highway 17 there is a herd of buffalo and I have always been meaning to stop and get a picture so yesterday when Stacey and I were coming home from the Sault the herd was right beside the highway so we stopped and got our pictures. We got out of the car and approached the fence and took our pictures - I guess they spook easily so they all started moving away - except that big one on the left in the bottom picture. He stood his ground and looked our way - it actually looked like a warning stare and it entered my mind that he could charge the fence. But he didn't and Stacey can run faster than me so she was in no danger. I, on the other hand, would have been but the car was not too far off. There is a place just past the herd that you can purchase bison meat. Bob cooked a bison roast once and it was good - I would like to try the ground bison.
Just another exciting moment in my life...
Just another exciting moment in my life...
Sunday, April 22, 2012
It was Earth Day today and I had some spare time so I decided to do my first garbage run. I got a couple of garbage bags, my camera, my special picker-upper and got my gloves and headed out on my four-wheeler. I had just passed Ute's and noticed I had a follower - Tasha had heard me going by and decided to pay me a visit. I turned off my machine, grabbed my key and took Tasha home by her collar. Ute says that she has been good lately but couldn't resist coming to see me.
I continued on my way - I couldn't go more than about 10 feet without stopping to pick up either a beer bottle or can, water bottles (not the ones that have yellow liquid in them :-P), cigarette packages and coffee cups. I had a full bag before I reached my turnaround spot. I had to tie it up and leave it by the side of the road to be picked up later with the car. I had two very full bags by the time I was done. Dave doesn't charge me at the dump for the bags of garbage I pick up off the highway. I do it about 3 times a month during the summer - depends on how much garbage is there.
It was a nice day today - sunny and not too cool - not too much traffic on the highway. I didn't see any creatures but did stop by the gravel pit to check it out. We have had some fun on those hills of gravel on the quads...
What did you do for Earth Day?
See Ya Bye
I continued on my way - I couldn't go more than about 10 feet without stopping to pick up either a beer bottle or can, water bottles (not the ones that have yellow liquid in them :-P), cigarette packages and coffee cups. I had a full bag before I reached my turnaround spot. I had to tie it up and leave it by the side of the road to be picked up later with the car. I had two very full bags by the time I was done. Dave doesn't charge me at the dump for the bags of garbage I pick up off the highway. I do it about 3 times a month during the summer - depends on how much garbage is there.
It was a nice day today - sunny and not too cool - not too much traffic on the highway. I didn't see any creatures but did stop by the gravel pit to check it out. We have had some fun on those hills of gravel on the quads...
What did you do for Earth Day?
See Ya Bye
Saturday, April 21, 2012
A few years ago we received a few old bar mirrors and coasters from a friend. This was one of Rejean's favourites and now that we have a "bar area" he decided to get it out and put it up. He created the round frame out of oak and stained it to match the cabinets - I applied the varathane of course. It looks right at home.
I don't remember the British American Brewing Company Limited in Windsor but here is proof it did exist. A great addition to the bar.
If you click on the picture it will enlarge it and you can read the small print under the picture of the handsome waiter...
I don't remember the British American Brewing Company Limited in Windsor but here is proof it did exist. A great addition to the bar.
If you click on the picture it will enlarge it and you can read the small print under the picture of the handsome waiter...
It was a beautiful day on Axe Lake today - warm and breezy enough for "someone" to hang her laundry outside to dry. Notice how she hangs the unmentionables at one end and then the dish cloths, then the jeans and pants, towels etc. I, on the otherhand, have never done this and if I did, I know it would not be so neat.
Nice cloths line Linda (you owe me for not including the close up of your multi-color unmentionables)
slow news day...
Nice cloths line Linda (you owe me for not including the close up of your multi-color unmentionables)
slow news day...
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
It is finished - except for a new garbage can and paper towel dispenser and Rejean is going to rig up a towel rack in the cupboard under the sink. All our booze is neatly stored away on a pull out drawer under the cooktop - out of site and organized!! And my new double sink...what can I say. The outside hose is only a few feet away for any dirty wash job that used to be done in the laundry tub. And the picture frame is waiting for the glass we are having etched.
Done, but not quite...
Done, but not quite...
Friday, April 13, 2012
This is our flooring process. The picture second from the bottom is what goes on top of the cement floor - 2 x 4s and 1 1/2" special Styrofoam, covered by a piece of 5/8" plywood covered by an underpaid then our actual flooring from Home Depot that I just love. We just did the space that will go under the new counter which we will be in the process of installing over the next few days. That is a picture of it - you have to imagine the dishwasher going in that space between the two cupboards. My nice black sink and shiny black cook top - the dishwasher has a shiny black finish as well.
We have been busy...
We have been busy...
Monday, April 9, 2012
We are working on the Formica top for the cabinets (why aren't they granite?) The cabinets are done and I am very pleased with them. The picture of the 2 cabinets with the space in between shows a difference in colour but it is not accurate. They are both the same. The dish washer will go in that space. The sink will go in the one on the right and the cooktop on the one on the left. Cutting the Formica was a real pain even with the special attachment that Rejean has but it is done. You have to apply a glue to the Formica and to the surface, wait for it to dry then place the Formica, with care, in place. Harder than it sounds. tomorrow we do the counter top - a big job. It will be attached to the MDF in the top photo where all the clamps are holding the trim in place. You can never have too many clamps in life...
See Ya Bye
See Ya Bye
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
We are well underway with the cabinet that goes against the wall which will hold my double sink, dishwasher and cooktop plus drawers and shelves underneath. I have the full extension slides with a soft close - niiiice. The draws are trimmed in pine which I had to varathane. The next picture is my workspace - it is where I finish the wood. Rejean will stain them and I will finish them. Usually 2 coats, sand, then the final coat. We have the tunes going and I find it relaxing.
After we did all we could do in the garage we (Rejean actually) decided we were going to collect some mulch and put it on my garden - I got to drive the tractor over to the other property and get a few buckets of mulch and dump them in the trailer. I did get some good full buckets!!
See Ya Bye
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Boots was around a little earlier today and he got his treats - he then went to his usual spot and lay down for a sleep. All of a sudden, he lay his body flat on the ground and was watching my little red squirrel - the one that has been around all winter long, feeding on the black oil sunflower seeds that I allow him/her to eat. I saw the squirrel come onto the veranda on his/her way to the feeder for his snack. I have seen Boots try to get the squirrel before and fail so I wasn't too concerned for his safety. Boots made his move and before I knew what had happened, Boots had the little guy in his mouth on the septic bed. I think death was instantaneous. Booth was picking him up and putting him down for a while then brought him up to the garden and just lay there with the squirrel in his mouth (top photo) for a few minutes. He then got up and walked along the path to Stacey and Andrew's place - hopefully he didn't bury the squirrel where Sadie will find it when she comes up. My guess is that that squirrel is dinner tonite.
I feel bad about the squirrel because he/she had been around all winter and I liked to watch him but that is what happens in nature. Boots is a carnivore and the squirrel is part of his diet.
It was neat to watch the process.
See Ya Bye
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
No, not those Hooters ;o) The bird kind. Last nite Ute, Mary, Ginny and myself went owling. We were out counting owls. Which is kind of strange because I can't hear owls. Must be a pitch or tone that I can't distinguish. We drove up the highway close to where the fires were then made 10 stops at designated places along the way. We played a tape of owl calls lasting about 10 or 15 minutes and listened for owls calling back. I had a Bionic Ear, a listening device that enabled me to hear even the most tiniest sound. At stop 3 we heard about 3 owls calling back and they were flying closer to us. The moon was bright last nite so we were able to see the owl flying over us to take a look. One of the most exciting experiences I have ever had. We heard more owls on the last stop - they kind of sounded like they were laughing at us. I will definitely be available next year for the owl count - I had a riot. And they said it was one of the best years ever - glad I was a part of it. Even if we hadn't heard any owls, just being out and seeing the moon and stars and hearing the silence, it was worth it.
See Ya Bye
See Ya Bye
Sunday, April 1, 2012
The guys wanted more smelt so we decided to head to Joanne and Mitch's place to try our luck and have a sauna at the same time. Rejean and I headed over there after dinner to get the sauna all fired up and set up the smelting equipment and the fire barrel. We disturbed a pair of Canada geese when we pulled in and they weren't too happy with us. They swam off honking and looking back at us - they hung around for a while but when we didn't take off, they did. I went over to the outhouse to sweep it out and discovered that some little creatures had probably wintered there or at least got some building material for their little houses. Didn't take me long to clean it up and we had some fuel for the fire - I didn't want to keep the toilet paper that the mice had been chewing on. It was a nice evening - not too cold and no wind. Ron and Mary arrived with their snacks!! We fried up some smelt that John had given us that I spent 3 hours cleaning yesterday afternoon - my hands smelled like smelt :oP Rejean, myself and John took advantage of the sauna. Ron and Mary tended the fire and kept a look out for the smelt. Linda came over after. Ron had a rip roaring fire going but no smelt. The run only lasted about a week and we have enough so no one was disappointed. Then it started to snow. We were home by about 12:15am - a good time was had by all of course. I don't think you can have a bad time up here...
See Ya Bye
See Ya Bye
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