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Monday, April 30, 2012


All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...
Linda and I will be hitting the highway to the big city of Sudbury Tuesday morning to take in a Johnny Reid concert at the Sudbury Arena.  Linda was a big fan and I was eventually won over by this singer.  When I heard the tickets were going on sale back in November, I was on the computer first thing and snagged  a couple of good tickets and May 1st has finally arrived.  I bought his new cd and Linda has a few of his older ones and we will be cranking them up full blast for the 2 1/2 hour trip to Sudbury.  It will be an over niter and we will get some shopping done at the Costco while we are there. 
I can't remember the last concert I was at but I am really looking forward to this one.  He has a voice like Rod Stewart - kind of raspy - and he appeals to a wide variety of people - young and old - I guess I fall somewhere in between.
Can't wait!!!!


Anonymous said...

I saw him back in 2007 at a free concert at Kempenfest in Barrie! He is an awesome performer! You will definitely enjoy his show! Have fun Aunt Janet! I love his voice too!

Anonymous said...

i love him also-have a kickass great time-ss

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to hear about your road trip