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Sunday, April 1, 2012


The guys wanted more smelt so we decided to head to Joanne and Mitch's place to try our luck and have a sauna at the same time.  Rejean and I headed over there after dinner to get the sauna all fired up and set up the smelting equipment and the fire barrel.  We disturbed a pair of Canada geese when we pulled in and they weren't too happy with us.  They swam off honking and looking back at us - they hung around for a while but when we didn't take off, they did.  I went over to the outhouse to sweep it out and discovered that some little creatures had probably wintered there or at least got some building material for their little houses.  Didn't take me long to clean it up and we had some fuel for the fire - I didn't want to keep the toilet paper that the mice had been chewing on.  It was a nice evening - not too cold and no wind.  Ron and Mary arrived with their snacks!!  We fried up some smelt that John had given us that I spent 3 hours cleaning yesterday afternoon - my hands smelled like smelt :oP  Rejean, myself and John took advantage of the sauna.  Ron and Mary tended the fire and kept a look out for the smelt.  Linda came over after.  Ron had a rip roaring fire going but no smelt.  The run only lasted about a week and we have enough so no one was disappointed.  Then it started to snow.  We were home by about 12:15am - a good time was had by all of course.  I don't think you can have a bad time up here...
See Ya Bye


Elizabeth said...

Sounds lots of fun and utterly different from our life here in New York!

rooth said...

That looks utterly cozy - glad you had a good time!