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Sunday, April 22, 2012


It was Earth Day today and I had some spare time so I decided to do my first garbage run.   I got a couple of garbage bags, my camera, my special picker-upper and got my gloves and headed out on my four-wheeler.  I had just passed Ute's and noticed I had a follower - Tasha had heard me going by and decided to pay me a visit.  I turned off my machine, grabbed my key and took Tasha home by her collar.  Ute says that she has been good lately but couldn't resist coming to see me. 
I continued on my way - I couldn't go more than about 10 feet without stopping to pick up either a beer bottle or can, water bottles (not the ones that have yellow liquid in them :-P), cigarette packages and coffee cups.  I had a full bag before I reached my turnaround spot.  I had to tie it up and leave it by the side of the road to be picked up later with the car.  I had two very full bags by the time I was done.  Dave doesn't charge me at the dump for the bags of garbage I pick up off the highway.  I do it about 3 times a month during the summer - depends on how much garbage is there.
It was a nice day today - sunny and not too cool - not too much traffic on the highway.  I didn't see any creatures but did stop by the gravel pit to check it out.  We have had some fun on those hills of gravel on the quads...
What did you do for Earth Day?
See Ya Bye

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