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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Rick found this beauty along his path today so I got a picture just for you.  I have only seen one of these up here before and it was a treat to see one up close.
My friend Ute has a beautiful painting by Sheila Curry of the Luna.
They are almost mythical...


During our breaks, we watched Ricky wash his trailer - I had cleaned out some drawers and found some old stale almonds that I decided to feed to the resident chipmunk.  While he was out of his hole, I placed some almonds by the hole and waited for him to return.  It was so funny, the look on his face - like where did these come from?  He stuffed his face and stored them away.  I put a few more just to get some action photos.  But I never let him see me placing them there - I don't want him to associate people with food as I think this was the chipmunk who we used to feed peanuts and he bit my toe when I ignored him one day so I don't want to start that again.
Look how clean the trailer is - Ricky worked his ass off today (sorry Mr and Mrs Barr).
See Ya Bye

Monday, May 28, 2012


It has been a good couple of days for fishing!!  We hit a stream today but the water levels are so low because we haven't had any rain but the guys caught a few small ones (which we had for dinner along with some walleye they caught the other nite.  Then we decided to go to the Mississaugi after dinner for some river fishing.  First Rejean got a nice rainbow (first picture) then Ricky got a nice brookie.  Then I hooked into a nice rainbow (middle picture)  I first thought I had a snag but then it moved and in the current, it was a nice fight. Rejean did the honours of landing it.  We had to leave because we heard some thunder in the distance and it is not a smart thing to be out fishing in a storm.  The bottom picture is of a nice brookie Rejean got in the river a few days ago.  We cajuned it which is what we will do with the rainbows tomorrow nite.  You get the cast iron fry pan nice and hot and then WAM delicious!!!
Did I tell you that I love to fish?

Sunday, May 27, 2012


About a week ago I discovered a Downey or Hairey Woodpecker nesting hole in a tree on the other property - I have been around it a couple of times since and the mother and/or father are busy feeding the little guys.  Every time a parent appears at the hole, you can hear the chirping of the babies - I can't tell how many there are.  I got this picture tonite and with my new camera to boot.  You can see the grub in the beak of the bird.  These bore in trees so the parent had to really peck to get this morsel.
See Ya Bye

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Stacey ran in the First Annual Cheney Lake Fat Ass Marathon in a record time of 5 hours and 50 minutes - she acknowledged that she stopped and took a lot of pictures along the way and there were a few large hills as well.  But who was keeping track?  As long as she finished with a smile - which she did as can be seen in the last picture.  She ran from our place to almost Thessalon - along highway 129 - she heard moose and saw the bushes move but didn't see the actual creature.  That was one of her goals when she came up was to see a moose and she did see a calf run across the highway - she thought that she could get a picture but they don't stop to pose you know.
Tonite we are all going over to Roger's for a visit.
See Ya Bye

Monday, May 21, 2012


I will have to try and get a better picture - maybe with my other camera - but we finally have our mirror up.  It looks amazing and is just what Rejean wanted.  The design is sand blasted onto a 1/4 inch piece of glass and then a mirror is placed behind it with a 1/2 inch space between so you get a dimensional effect.  I think with enough drinks in you, you won't need the mirror to give you that effect ;o)
Joanne Nicholls did the glass - she also carves stone, rocks, glass such as wine bottles and wine glasses etc.  She does do good work - she did some cupboard doors for a friend on Axe Lake and some jewellery and glasses for the Alpaca Farm.  She also does memorial stones for pets or loved ones.

I am very happy with it.


It was raining (yeaaa) a bit this morning so Steve and Rick decided to do some other work - like replace the rotting stairs by the trailer.  Steve had seen some flat rocks on the other property that would make some nice stairs so that was their project today.  Turned out beautiful.  These should outlive us all.

What do you think Joan?

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Stacey and Dr Anna took the kayaks out for a spin this afternoon - the weather was beautiful - just like summer but no humidity.  Dr Anna has never been in one before and she did just fine.  Sadie was happy to see her Mom come back to shore...


We headed out tonite for the first fishing excursion of the year - pickerel season opened yesterday and we are in the mood for a fish dinner.  I got this one right off the bat - after that it was kind of slow.  The bugs were bad so I headed home after about 2 1/2 hours - maybe the guys caught some after I left.  If not, ham for dinner tomorrow.
See Ya Bye


We went to meet the alpacas at the grand opening of the River Valley Alpaca Farm and Country Store today.  Are they ever cute. They had all just been shorn but they leave the heads and feet -  these two were just young - last year's babies.  They give off this little sound when they are content or trying to communicate and one was making the sound.  The fibres are used to knit sox, innersoles, scarves, hats mitts etc.  I have some of the products and they are amazing - very soft and warm.
Just another interesting thing to do up here.  If you have a chance, drop by and meet the Alpacas.
See ya Bye

Thursday, May 17, 2012


...remember a few days ago I mentioned that my friend Bob had got a new dog - a bull dog to boot.  I was on him that he never told me and I couldn't wait to see it.  I should have known better when I noticed smiles on people's faces when ever I mentioned Bob's new dog.  But, being the trusting person that I am, I paid no attention and finally got over to see "Baubles" as Bob told me her name was - he did say that she was black and bigger than Bubbles, his son's real bull dog.  We parked the car up the hill from his camp and I could see a black dog sitting on the porch from there.  As I got closer, I could see how "real" Baubles was.  I had been fooled again.  Everyone had a good laugh at my expense but I don't mind because...

Pay backs are a bitch, Bob - just saying. ;oP

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It has been a busy one up here - Stacey and Andrew and my beautiful Furbaby, Sadie are here and Rick and Steve arrived on Monday afternoon at 1pm - they left Windsor at 5:30am - they were in a hurry to get here to get the trailer all set up for occupancy - that's them in the first picture positioning the awning.
The next picture is of Stacey and Andrew's septic being pumped out for the first time - a proud moment for them I am sure.  We got ours done as well - the truck almost went off our road - our driveway is kind of elevated and I caught him just in time before his front left wheel went over.  That wouldn't have been too good.  The "technician" said everything looked good in the tanks - nice to know...
Rejean was on a lake survey with Ron and Ron.  I like how Ron used his wife's Ford Explorer to pull the equipment on that dusty road...she had the truck.  They picked a nice day Sunday and then went back Monday morning to finish. 
The kids are with Ron in town writing the test for the Boater's License - I got mine at a wood show in Chatham a few years ago so I am legal - I wonder if I need one for my Kayak - I'll have to check the regulations.
And that is just a few of the things happening up here.  Tomorrow I am getting my pots filled at Lawrence's Springtime Garden - if you take your pots in, they will plant your planters for you free - dirt included - you just have to buy your plants - sounds like a bargain to me - pictures later.
See Ya Bye

Sunday, May 13, 2012


This is my Mom.  Anita.  I am remembering her today, as I do almost everyday.  There are always little things that pop up during the day that you think she would find funny or interesting and that you should tell her.  I am one of the unfortunate ones that can't do that.  My Mom died in 1982 - that is 31 years ago - I have lived over half my life without my Mom.  But I remember things she did for me.  I don't think I appreciated them at the time but I do now.  I remember when I was living on Parent and Erie, by myself and at 10pm on a Sunday nite there was a huge centipede in my bathroom - I knew I couldn't kill it as I wouldn't even go in the room - I hated and still hate them.  I called my Mom at home (Windermere and Memorial Drive) and she came over and killed it for me.  Only a Mom would do that.  And my Mom's cherry pie - to die for.  How she would dress us up for Easter.  All of us 3 girls in little hats, little white gloves, new shoes and a frilly dress.  Good memories.

What I wouldn't give to spend one more day with her...

Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Stacey, Andrew, Jodie and Dave all chipped in a gave us tickets to Quidam showing at the Essar Centre in Sault St Marie as a joint Mother's Day and Father's Day gift.  I have seen a couple of the shows in Vegas but Rejean has never had the privilege so it was fun to watch his reactions.  It was a very good show considering the venue.  Our seats were right in the first row at the side of the stage - you could almost touch the performers but after the intermission, we moved up into some empty seats for a better view - my neck was getting a bit sore and you could see the entire stage.
It was amazing to see some of the acts - the acrobatics were mind blowing and the juggling was unbelievable.  The costumes and music just add to the experience. 
If you have never seen a Cirque I highly recommend it.

Thanks Kids!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Yesterday was the Fish Stocking event - we all headed over to the gravel pit to watch the helicopter land - it was very exciting.  We had to wait a while for the truck from Elliot Lake with the fish that was then loaded into the tanks in the helicopter - once the helicopter is over the designated lake, a lever is pulled and the fish are deposited into the lake.  They had splake, brook trout, lake trout and a hybrid trout.  Rejean didn't get to go up this time as they have to take turns - there are a lot of volunteers who are waiting to go up.  The volunteers from Elliot Lake brought their bbqs and fed all the guys.  How thoughtful - it does make for a long day and they have to keep their strength up.
It is strange how much the helicopter looks like a big dragonfly which, by the way, have made their appearance already - just in time to eat all the black flies.  We haven't seen any mosquitoes yet but I am sure they are not too far away.
Can't wait for all those fish to grow up so I can catch them...

Monday, May 7, 2012


The "kids" got their new toys today so we took a little ride down the trails.  Rejean and I treated ourselves to new helmets as ours were getting pretty old and cracked..  They look like Darth Vader helmets. 
Tomorrow we are planning a longer trip so hopefully the rain will hold off.  We will be paying a little visit to Axe Lake as well to visit Bob, who apparently has a dog he didn't tell me about - a bull dog to boot.  So expect some cute bull dog pictures tomorrow...
Getting back to the 4 wheelers - Stacey was amazing on hers - she kept up with us and handled the trails better than I expected her to do.  I am looking forward to some longer rides - Ron and Mary and Jerry and Cheryl have all expressed a desire to accompany us.
See Ya Bye

Saturday, May 5, 2012


We don't have our loon on the lake so far this year and because of it's absence, we have a lot of ducks on the lake.  Usually the loons scare or chase away any other birds on the water so we don't have any ducks but not this year.  We have lots and I bet some have been here so long we may just get babies!!  One of the ducks we see daily are the Ring Necked ducks pictured above.  Pretty little ducks altho I would have called them ring beaked ducks if I had named them.  The females are brown and not as showy but pretty just the same.  We have had Canada Geese, Buffleheads, Hooded Merganzers and Mallards.  We even have a pair of Black ducks.  I have consulted my Birds of North American book on many occasions and I have found out I need better binoculars ;o) or ones with an anti-tremor function...
See Ya Bye

Friday, May 4, 2012


What an amazing evening!!  And I say that with real enthusiasm - we had a great time.  Our hotel was within walking distance of the Sudbury Arena and we could see the arena from our room. 
As you can see, Linda and I were a little bit early but it filled up pretty quickly. All different people of every age and ability and disability - all dressed in what they felt was their best - I love people watching and there were a lot of people to watch.  The girl sitting next to me had a Johnny Reid t-shirt and was very excited to say the least.  And Johnny Reid did not disappoint any of us.  He was fantastic from the moment he came out till 110 minutes later when he did his encore.  He never stopped.  He left the stage to wander out in the audience -hugged little old ladies and young ones too.  He shook men's hands and picked up little girls.  During one song called Dance With Me he danced with a young girl with Down's Syndrome.  It was touching.  And he said that the "wee little old lady"he had hugged had pinched his bum - the place roared.  There were fireworks and disco balls, spot lights and videos.  He passed out pictures of himself to the audience and flirted with the girls in the front rows.  I wish I had been sitting in the front row...
It was worth every penny I paid for the tickets and I can't wait to see him again.

Linda and I were swaying and singing to the last song of the evening...

May the sun shine on your shoulders
May love and luck be your friend
For now, always and forever
'til we meet again