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Saturday, May 5, 2012


We don't have our loon on the lake so far this year and because of it's absence, we have a lot of ducks on the lake.  Usually the loons scare or chase away any other birds on the water so we don't have any ducks but not this year.  We have lots and I bet some have been here so long we may just get babies!!  One of the ducks we see daily are the Ring Necked ducks pictured above.  Pretty little ducks altho I would have called them ring beaked ducks if I had named them.  The females are brown and not as showy but pretty just the same.  We have had Canada Geese, Buffleheads, Hooded Merganzers and Mallards.  We even have a pair of Black ducks.  I have consulted my Birds of North American book on many occasions and I have found out I need better binoculars ;o) or ones with an anti-tremor function...
See Ya Bye

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