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Monday, May 21, 2012


I will have to try and get a better picture - maybe with my other camera - but we finally have our mirror up.  It looks amazing and is just what Rejean wanted.  The design is sand blasted onto a 1/4 inch piece of glass and then a mirror is placed behind it with a 1/2 inch space between so you get a dimensional effect.  I think with enough drinks in you, you won't need the mirror to give you that effect ;o)
Joanne Nicholls did the glass - she also carves stone, rocks, glass such as wine bottles and wine glasses etc.  She does do good work - she did some cupboard doors for a friend on Axe Lake and some jewellery and glasses for the Alpaca Farm.  She also does memorial stones for pets or loved ones.

I am very happy with it.


Anonymous said...

it looks awesome-so happy for you guys that it is coming together=ss

Anonymous said...

it looks awesome-so happy for you guys that it is coming together=ss