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Sunday, May 13, 2012


This is my Mom.  Anita.  I am remembering her today, as I do almost everyday.  There are always little things that pop up during the day that you think she would find funny or interesting and that you should tell her.  I am one of the unfortunate ones that can't do that.  My Mom died in 1982 - that is 31 years ago - I have lived over half my life without my Mom.  But I remember things she did for me.  I don't think I appreciated them at the time but I do now.  I remember when I was living on Parent and Erie, by myself and at 10pm on a Sunday nite there was a huge centipede in my bathroom - I knew I couldn't kill it as I wouldn't even go in the room - I hated and still hate them.  I called my Mom at home (Windermere and Memorial Drive) and she came over and killed it for me.  Only a Mom would do that.  And my Mom's cherry pie - to die for.  How she would dress us up for Easter.  All of us 3 girls in little hats, little white gloves, new shoes and a frilly dress.  Good memories.

What I wouldn't give to spend one more day with her...

Happy Mother's Day


Anonymous said...

thanks for the picture and beautiful words janny, i think of her all the time too!

Anonymous said...

you brought tears to my eyes today-love you both-ss