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Saturday, May 31, 2014


Saturday is dump day - during the summer Wednesday is too.  I knew there was a Poker Run going on out of Little Rapids heading up to the Post so before I hit the dump, I hit the Post for some pictures of all the action.  A few were lined up for gas for the trip back to Little Rapids.  Keith was standing at the door waving at everyone.  Good business for him.  Lunch was served for the riders behind the Post and I got a shot of all the bikes.  I got a kick out of one of the passengers on the ride.  See the dog in the last picture?  I wonder if he had a helmet to wear…
It was a beautiful day for the ride.  I noticed a few of the bikes were coated in mud - must have found a few puddles along the trails altho it has been dry lately.  Probably made for a lot of dust on the ride.
I might go on the one next year.  Everyone looked like they were having a good time and now that I have my new tires...
Rejean washed his tractor this morning.  First time and it needed it.  Nice and clean now ready to move some dirt ;o)

Friday, May 30, 2014


Rejean made a beer batter for the pickerel the other nite and fries of course.  That is a picture of my plate in the middle.  I did sneak one more small piece of fish.  It was delicious - not too heavy and the fish was moist - perfect.
And I couldn't resist the picture of the guys.  With their grey T shirts and matching suspenders and hats, they look like twins!!  Rick had a great time!!


Last nite we decided to go fishing instead of watching the hockey game and it turned out to be the right choice.  Fishing was good - everyone caught a fish and we had some company.  I wasn't watching because I was rigging up after a snag and I heard a splash right in front of me.  I looked and there was a duck.  It had landed not 10 feet in front of me in the water.  I quickly saw it was a Black Duck - the one in the foreground (male or female I don't know).  She wasn't the least bit scared of us and proceeded to swim around the shore line in front of us for at least a good half hour.  At one point I was reeling in a bass and it jumped right underneath her and she just flew a short distance away - just far enough to get out of the way and then carried on as if nothing had happened.  She was just about 2 feet away from Rick at one point and when she paddled in front of me you could see the water just rolling off her back.  She just calmly picked at bugs on the water and grasses under the water.  How interesting was that.

We did manage to catch the last five minutes of the game.  It was a good five minutes.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


I saw this bird at the other property down by the stream.  Needless to say it really caught my eye.  I had never seen a bird so vibrantly coloured before.  It really was a orange red and he stood out like a sore thumb.  He stayed around for a few minutes then flew away but he was back in the same place when we were done.  I quickly got my trusty bird book out and discovered it is a Scarlet Tanager.  My first one.
And I didn't have my camera with me - I am sorry to say that my camera has lost it's brain - it doesn't work anymore so I am looking for another one to replace it.  It was only two years old for goodness sake and I took good care of it.  I guess things don't last very long anymore.

I borrowed this picture from the Internet and the picture doesn't do it justice.  It was beautiful.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Because I missed the bear and her two cubs the other day, I make sure I have my camera with me at all times when I am out in the car.  Thank goodness I had it with me today.  I was out getting my flowers at Springtime Gardens just on the other side of Bruce Mines.  While driving thru town I saw this Smart car go by in the other direction with it's gate wide open and this beautiful boxer just sitting there with his head out watching the world go by.  There was no way I could turn around and get a shot of him.  After buying my flowers, I stopped by Home Hardware in Bruce Mines and as I was getting in my car, who pulls up beside me but the Smart Car with Dino in the back.  I got out my camera and asked if I could take a picture and use it on my blog and the man said yes but make sure Dino smiled.  After the picture, I asked if I could pet Dino and  was given permission.  Dino was very happy to get a good pat and I told him he had the best seat in the house.

These are the kinds of pictures I enjoy taking because it's something you don't see everyday and it includes a happy animal and a nice owner.  It made me happy.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Finally, after years of talking about it, I finally got new tires on my quad.  My old tires were just about bald but it never stopped me in the least - I could go everywhere the big boys went - mud, sand, dirt, water - you name it.  And I have only had to be pulled out of a few situations.  The tires were hard to find because of the size - I have a 250 Honda Fourtrax and the wheel sizes are different.  Wharncliffe Auto found them and fitted them onto the rims and we installed them on the bike.  The ride is very different from before.  Well, riding around on bald tires gives you a very smooth ride - the ride now is bumpy.  They are called Swamp Lite.

Can't wait to hit some mud!!!!

Monday, May 26, 2014


 Rick and I talked Rejean into taking us stream fishing today.  We had worked for 3 days in a row and we needed some play time.  From the absence of other people's tracks we figured we were the first to hit the stream this year.  You could hear it before you saw it - it was just roaring!!!  It was running fast so we just fished up stream instead of down stream.  I got one small brookie - Rick got his limit and they were beauties.  Rejean got 2 nice ones.  We ate them for dinner.  Yum Yum!!
I was just rigging up when I caught a movement to the right - I looked and there was a Fisher running along a log very close to me with a fish in it's mouth probably taking it to feed it's young.  He didn't see me or it would have taken a long way around me.  Nice to see nature up close.
But the bugs were bad.  We have stream fished for years and it is my favourite type of fishing.  We had hip waders on because it was too hot for chest waders.  We also carried walking sticks and used them all the time.  Hard to imagine that we never used them before - back when we were younger.  They came in very handy at times traipsing thru the bush, slippery rocks and fast moving water.  But I never fell - altho I had to grab a tree once to stop a fall.  Between the bugs in your ears, nose and eyes, the tangles in trees and bushes and the slippery rocks, it is a wonder we came out alive.

If I didn't love it so much, I would never do it again.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Pictures are a little out of order but the story is that we headed up to Hinkler on Saturday to do some "landscaping" on our camp site at Hinkler.  We took the tractor up and used it to level the area where the trailers will sit.  We took a few danger trees down and added to our pile of firewood.  Then today, Sunday, we took the trailers up.  It didn't take long at all to set them in place, get them levelled and all set up.  Gerry and Cheryle came up for a visit and had lunch with us.  Ron cooked some chicken legs and we had salads, fruit and cookies!!  One thing is for certain... You never go hungry at Hinkler.
AND the bugs weren't that bad - bonus!!


Actually this was my 2nd bear sighting - I hate to say this but I spotted a mother with her two tiny cubs last week but I didn't have my camera with me!!!!!  We saw this big guy on the highway on the way back from Hinkler yesterday.  Ron and Mary were in the lead and stopped in the middle of the road (after making sure it was safe)  We pulled up behind them and I got these pictures.  He was a good size.  He really didn't pay us any attention and sat down after a minute and just rested.  It was a bit warm so I am sure he was hot.  We also saw a smaller one further down the road.
It is always good to see them from the car and not on foot.


More stocking on Friday with help from Guy, a young man from the UK staying at Kegos to help them through the summer.  5000 rainbow trout were dispersed in various streams up the highway.  And it was also helicopter stocking as well.  Rejean and Ron got to go up this year.  It was such a thrill to see the copter circle and then land in the large parking  area along 129 highway.
  I am proud to be a volunteer with Northshore Fisheries and look forward to reaping the fruit of our hard labour :o)

Friday, May 23, 2014


Game 3 was on at our place last nite and the Axe Lake guys came over. Davey, John, Mark, John G, Arnold and Randy.  No girls - just guys.  But I was ok with that and I sat in my favourite chair and watched the 3 periods but didn't stay up for the overtime (which I could have watched as it was pretty quick - as I heard)  Weird 3 goals.  Those guys can sure eat a lot.  I put out cheese, crackers, pepperonis, salsa and scoops and chips.  Up here everyone brings their own beer so we were ok in that department but we were prepared just in case they didn't.  Next game Sunday.
Doing some more stocking today at various spots along the highway.  I have my Northshore Fisheries Volunteer hat on this time so people will know I am with the band ;o)

Thursday, May 22, 2014


A nice cloudy overcast morning was all it took to get us out on the river fishing and are we ever glad we did.  Turned out to be a very good day for everyone as everyone caught fish - which is always a good thing.  And all from the same spot!!  I got the first one - a beauty if I do say so myself.  I thought it was a snag at first but quickly realized it was a fish.  And a few seconds later it was off.  I got right back in there and got him again but off he came again.  I was determined.  Rejean made his way over to net the beast if I ever got him on again and I did.  I must have had him on 5 or 6 times and then I got him.  Rejean got him in the net and on the stringer.  I got back fishing again and a short time later got my other one - another nice one.  I got Rejean on the spot and he got a nice one as well.  Rick finished up the day with another nice one.  They stopped biting so we made our way back to the truck.  We knew we had enough for our feed so we dropped one off at Ron and Mary's so they could enjoy a nice fresh pickerel dinner as well.

 I love fishing…all these fish were caught on a hook, split shot and a live worm - that's really all you need.

ps - they were delicious!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Axe Lake got 1000 new little Lake Trout today, launched at Mitch and Joanne's place.  The truck was driven and manned by two ladies which was nice to see.  The volunteers from North Shore Fisheries were on hand to help with the stocking, hauling pails of the small fish to the end of the dock and launching them into the water as directed by the girls.  It shocks the fish and causes them to disperse and not congregate at the shore as a few did.  We only found three dead fish so 997 are living and enjoying life in Axe Lake.