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Friday, May 16, 2014


Sitting in my usual morning spot watching Canada AM and saw a big white thing coming in for a landing on the lake.  It was a swan!!  First time we have had this type of bird on the lake.  I didn't get a chance to get out my trusty bird book so I couldn't compare neck arches etc to see what kind of swan it was but my guess is that it is a Tundra Swan.  I crept out (in my bathrobe and slippers) to try and get a good shot but this is the best I got.  It checked out the bay then slowly swam down the middle of the lake and then I saw it flying the same as the loon has to do - a few times around the lake to get up enough altitude to clear the trees.  Rejean called Steve on his cell phone - waking him up I believe - to get him to try and get a better shot as his bunkie is in the bay.  I'll have to wait and see what he managed to get - probably a lot better than my shots.

Too bad he didn't stick around to play with the 15 or so ducks we have on the lake.  No loon to chase them away - yet.

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