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Saturday, May 10, 2014


The name is Poopsie - Mary named him/her as we share the same fox.  They have had the same two foxes hanging around their place all winter.  We have seen tracks but only recently caught a glimpse of him running away.  Well the other nite I got a shot of him in the dark with my camera - see the two glowing eyes?  He came around the other nite when John and Linda were over watching the hockey game and I got some food for him.  He is so little - his legs look like toothpicks.  And a nice big white tip on his tail.  But there is a light "band" across his back side so Mary has taken to calling him Poopsie.    So Poopsie it is.  He is still really skittish as you can see in the 4th picture but then again, it was really windy so even blowing leaves scared him.
I missed Boots a lot but now I have another one to enjoy.

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