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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Back....

Back from my trip to Windsor for the past 10 days - I am glad to be HOME. I enjoyed some aspects of the trip but I could do without some of them ie traffic, traffic lights, stop signs, parking lots, people etc.
I visited with my friends - that I enjoyed. It is the only thing I miss from Windsor - my friends.
It was nice to sit and talk, catch up where we left off before and plan the next visit.
I visited Rejean's family. His brother Micheal was down from Quebec with his wife, his daughter and her husband and their two kids. Hectic. Anne had dinner and it was for 15 people - shishkabobs, vegies on the grill and salad ala Mrs Pomerleau's dressing Yum Yum.
I was back Monday and today - waking up to 32 degrees F - cold all day - I had on my winter garb and had to go put on my longjohns it was that cold. We cleaned out the other garage - moving the tractor attachments and siding and steel and lumber etc. We saw a groundhog and he stuck around for about 5 minutes - cute. Then when we were putting chiprock board on the walls, a live mouse was climbing down the insulation and went outside. I guess they wintered in there but you can't keep them out of there. He only had half a tail.
We will have a fire tonite because it is going down to 2 C tonite - tomorrow we go to Blind River to pick up Rejeans new tire - he destroyed the other one on a rock or a tree or something.
And fishing tomorrow nite for walley at Pig Pen Chute - shhhhhhhhh
See Ya Bye

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