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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day....

I received my two phone calls today from my two beautiful daughters - Stacey and Jodie . I am a very lucky person to have these two girls in my life - and that they think of me on Mother's Day makes me happy. They also have their own mother - Mary-Lou in their lives so they are indeed very fortunate.
My mother is no longer with me and I thought of her today - as I do almost every day. Little things come up that only a mother would appreciate. I wish see could have seen my home up here, I wish she could have met Mitch. I wish she could have met Kyle. She is missed.
Well I worked at the dump yesterday and finished the road - it looks great. When I first started going to the dump the road up was like driving down a back road - there was no garbage but over the years it got pretty bad - but I won't let it get that way again. I guess I am the garbage lady up here - I pick garbage on the highway and now at the dump - someone has to do it.
I think Jacques is back - I was down by the fishing rock and there was a big bass swimming around and he "assumed the position" for feeding - but I don't have any worms yet. Also the hummingbirds are back - we rescued one from the garage earlier. I immediately put out the feeder for them because there ain't no flowers up here yet.
Also the BUGS are back - we went for a walk over across the lake last night - with the bear spray - and they were out in force - so no more walks for a while. They had to come sooner or later.
Today we just put branches in the beaver dam - we haven't seen him this year yet so we are just assisting mother nature.
See Ya Bye

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