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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What A Catch!!

Look what Rejean caught today on Jobam!!!! Not really - it was caught in the net that they were using to net the lake for the Ministry of Natural Resources - they spent five days netting Jobam and counting and taking information on everything they caught in the nets - this was a 17 lb lake trout - that was released to give some lucky fisherperson the thrill of a lifetime. There was herring, one rainbow trout and lake trout. I want to go when they net the brook trout lakes in the summer. Nothing better.
I was busy getting the place in shape for the fishermen coming in on Friday. Rick and his b-i-l Jimmy will be in this weekend - that's why I am getting out of town. Then my brother in law Jack and his friend Robbie will be up next weekend. It's the start of tourist season here. I'll be back on following Monday after Stacey does her 50 mile run!!! I am babysitting the furbabies - Sadie and Satch.
I washed my car and the water comes from the lake - but when it dries on the car there is no streaks or blotches - it dries streak free and very shiny - I just have to vacuum it out - all the sand and dirt - there is no car washes up here so you have to wait until the nice weather to clean your cars.
I also have posted (or will try to post) a picture of a tree the woodpeckers have been having a field day with - by the looks of it, it is the piliated woodpeckers - the big ones - who have been hard at work at this one.
Nice day today but windy - too windy to lay out but I hear Thursday is going to be the day for it - sunny and 18 - so I know where I'll be....
See Ya Bye

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