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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Nothing Exciting

ssNothing exciting happened today - Rejean was netting Jobam and he just brought home three herring!! I don't think I have had those before. They are in the fridge til tomorrow to be cleaned - tonite is pizza!! Nothing compares to Windsor pizza and that is exactly what I am going to get when I hit Windsor is a pizza - double cheese and pepperoni - yum yum. Can't wait.
I raked my garden and the septic bed as well as Stacey and Andrew's - I have a blister to prove it. Too cold and windy to sit out in the sun - one day....

Tomorrow I go clean the dump if it doesn't rain - if it does it is off to Blind River for some shopping and to get the water tested - it can't be that bad because I am still alive and healthy.

I took a picture of the chairs for you Joanne. Just picture the three sisters sitting out on the dock sipping our cocktails that Susan made and just enjoying ourselves - can't you just feel it???
It's not that far away you know.
See Ya Bye

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