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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Almost In The Ditch

Another day of construction - the delivery day of the trusses. We had a huge semi delivering the trusses and he actually tried to back that sucker onto our laneway. Can you believe it??? He manuveured his truck just past the gate but then he realized that it would be suicide to continue - duh. He finally pulled out after almost going into the ditch - he had two tires over the edge!!!! We would have had to call the recovery trucks from the Sault to get him out plus the blocking of 129 for who knows how long. But he finally got his rig on the road and drove down to the other property where he had the room to turn around - he unhitched his load and used the boom to load our trusses onto the back and drove up here with just the truck portion and our trusses. he then used his boom to gently - and I mean gently - place the roof trusses on the roof of the addition - Rejean offered him $50 bucks for that but he only took $20 - I think he was a bit embarrassed that he couldn't make it down the road.
Things are moving right along - after all my work was done it was union break time so I grabbed a Coruna and sat on the picnic table to watch the guys - these guys are good - you can tell they have worked together for a time and they know exactly what the other one wants them to do. Very professional. Rejean and I could never have pulled this one off ourselves.
They took out the bathroom window and cut the space for the new one - I must admit it will let in a lot more light - I should know by now that Rejean knows best - I just let him do whatever he wants to do and it usually turns out great. But I do have SOME input.
I ran into John and Bob at the Trading Post this morning - I had to go get cookies for the guys lunch - I usually have something for them. I said I didn't bake them so they were ok to eat - they devoured them. John and Linda were going for a pontoon boat ride (Patio Put Put as I call them) on Basswood Lake today - they got a nice day for it:)
Jennine from Rozenburgs called and our windows should be delivered on Wednesday or Thursday - Yea.
Enjoy the pics
See Ya Bye

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