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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Late Night???

What Happened? They were 35 seconds away? I finally went to bed after the first overtime and because it was just tooooo stressful. Now I remember why I don't watch hockey during the regular season. I yell and tell the players what to do and find fault with the coach's plays - and Don Cherry - what a card. I think I had a skirt made out of the same material as his jacket back when I was in public school - but I like what he has to say.
Oh well - there is always tomorrow nite....
Last night we went fishing again and I got the biggest one (again) but we only got three (four if you count the one that Rejean lost just at shore). Today we are going to escort a truck into a lake down the highway and help stock it with - wait for it - BROOK TROUT!!!! My favourite fish. I'm taking my ultra light rod and fishing the river while we wait for the truck so I might get something - there is always a chance...
I'll let you know how I do. Tonite is a meeting about the Wharncliffe Hall and what the insurance people say about it. Another busy day in paradise....
See Ya Bye

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