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Friday, June 6, 2008



How's that? I hear you guys in Windsor are going up to 32!!!! It's only June 6th - you are in for one long hot summer. I have a long sleeve t shirt and a fleece hoodie on and shorts. I'm ready for anything. No sun shine today - same as yesterday. I cleaned and today I'm going into Little Rapids to get my plants. It's supposed to only get up to 23 but I'll be surprised if it does.
No mosquitos bothering us in the house - you have to stay on top of the bugs - kill'em as you see 'em. We use the zapper - that tennis racket electricutioner. You get some big sparks - we have one in every room almost. But some people up here have never heard of them - they use flyswaters that leave dead bodies all over the room and blood spater everywhere. These zappers fry the bodies - very efficient plus they provide tons of entertainment when there are bugs in the room - you sometimes have to dodge the wave of the rackets. And if you have one on you they get brave and say "Hold Still" as they bring the zapper close to your arm or leg or nose. I haven't been zapped yet but I've seen the result - not pretty.
Well stay cool - I'll leave a cool picture for you - think s n o w.
See Ya Bye

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