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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Life In The Fast Lane

As If!!! Things move slow up here but dock guy finally came back on Friday to finish what he started - he was in full wet suit with a little pump so that he could breath under water to McGiver the leg that was giving him problems - and voila - it worked - after 10 years we finally have a dock - already Jacques - my pet bass - has staked out his claim for residency - I guess that means no fishing off the dock (we'll discuss it later) and I think he has doubled in size from last year - must be all the good worms I feed him. It is everything I thought it would be - and the chairs fit perfectly. You get a totally different view of the lake and the breeze it nice too.
The cement was poured for the deck and it was touch and go but finally it was completed - Basho is not a professional cementist but he is Italian so I think he did a pretty good job. I am happy.
Well tourist season officially starts today - Chris and Egon are on their way up as I type so we expect them at about 1-2pm - let the drinking begin. They will only be staying until Monday morning - just a quick visit. I dashed into town today to get supplies and also hit the liquor store - I think I have enough air miles points to get somewhere - everything is done and ready so I will be cracking a Coors Light and joining Rejean on the dock for cocktails.
I have my chairs and tables and some plants all set up - what do you think? Just picture the fake roof over top of the deck and there you have it - paradise.
Well that's it - I am thirsty after my trip to town - I saw a deer and a turtle - great wild life sightings today.
See Ya Bye

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