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Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Day In the Bush

Yes that is me under all that camo and blaze orange stuff - blaze orange is a fashion color up here - especially during hunting season. And it was cold on Tuesday and I just sat in a blind but today we walked thru the bush. there was five us us. Rejean, Eddie, Barry and Roger and me of course. We took the four wheelers over to the trail on the other side of the lake - I rode double with Roger. We got off and loaded up. I have a 20 gauge and I loaded it with slugs. I can't kill a deer with my shotgun shells so I have to use slugs. We headed out - Barry and Eddie were together and Rejean, Roger and I were together. Barry and Eddie would walk slowly for about 5 minutes then stand still and then we would move up. We were hoping that a deer would be "pushed" our way or their way whatever the case may be. I have to admit that today felt like the first time I enjoyed doing this. Just like fishing, every moment could present a "hit". You are alert to every little sound. Your eyes are scanning the woods - looking for any movement. When it was our turn to stay still I would look behind us as the deer have a habit of doubling back and being behind you. Roger was tying blaze orange ribbons as we made our way deep into the woods. I was quite wet as we have been having rain these past few days. My hunting boots certainly lived up to their claim of waterproof. Many times I looked down and my boots were completely under water. You have to make your way over downed slippery trees, rocks, thick cedar groves, all the while trying to be quiet. A few times I almost went down. But I held on to my gun. I was fully loaded but with the safety on - ready just in case I saw one. Now I don't know if - at the last moment - I would be able to pull the trigger. Time will tell. But I would hate to have the opportunity present itself to me and not be ready. We didn't see anything so we headed back along the marked trail - thanks goodness it was marked because we were quite far in. I always panic if I can't see the ribbons. But as we were heading out we heard shots in the distance - we figure we pushed the deer out to the other hunters further down the road!!! There was two distinct group of shots - maybe from Axe Lake - I'll have to call over to see who it was. I really needed my beer when I got back home. Tomorrow we push on the mountain - but only in the morning for me - tomorrow afternoon I'll be cooking. Roger brought over a couple of venison backstraps for me to cook - and I just happen to have an episode of Canada In The Rough where they cook backstraps up. The recipe calls for two bottles of beer and dumplings - I had to look up how to cook dumplings on the internet. As if I have ever cooked dumplings before - come on. Me?? I'll let you know how it turns out.
I'll also have to get a picture of Barry's "condo" as they call it. It is Kenny's tree stand (remember Kenny had that little accident on his four wheeler and broke his leg and is lucky to be alive and couldn't stay to hunt let alone climb up in his tree stand) Apparently he has it all tricked out - heater, a tarp to keep out the rain etc. I think next year there will be a flat screen tv up there.
Well only two more days of hunting - hopefully we'll get another one but it doesn't matter - a good time is being had by all. There is a comradery among all the hunters - story telling -hints and techniques - it is fun to be a part of it.
I'll try and post some vacation pictures for you to enjoy.
See Ya By

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