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Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We did have a fatality last nite - Apparently Rejean and Ron were the first ones on the scene - just about thirty seconds - the trucker was flashing his lights at them to slow them down - it is pitch black out there at that time. They pulled over and saw the van in the ditch - smoking. - They had to run to a neighbour close by - Hansen called the police - they could do nothing for the driver of the van - he was killed instantly - they quickly made sure that there was no one else in the car - the passenger side airbag had gone off and it was drapped over the seat - you had to move it to make sure there was no one under there. There was debris all over the road - big chunks of the van. They moved it to the side in c ase another car came by - The driver of the transport was quite upset - what had happened was the empty logging truck was travelling north and was going into a turn - the roads were slippery and he said he felt his trailer start to slide out - the van was coming south and ran right into the back of the trailer. Those big trucks do travel a bit fast on this highway - I have seen it myself where you can see the trailer sliding out - that is why I have a treadmill - I won't run on the highway in the winter. We found out his name today -Peter, 48 years old from Sudbury - Rejean thought he was a salesman because there were boxes in the back of the van. The highway was closed for 7 hours. Another big rig - a transport carrying wood chips overturned right at the Axe Lake curve - he just flipped into the ditch. No one was hurt in that one - thanks goodness. It was still there when I went to make sandwiches today. I got a picture. I was also there when they were cleaning it up later - there is a big pile of wood chips or dust right at the Axe Lake road - they were just spreading it instead of removing it.
I am worried that after what Rejean and Ron saw last nite that they might have a hard time getting over something like that - some of the injuries...the man's arm was not attached - there might be some bit of trauma - he slept but woke up a few times and he thought of the accident which is normal but he says he's ok - Ron too - they talked today.
The sandwiches went well today - all set for the big luncheon - it is being put on by the Credit Union for the seniors - because they are now charging the senior citizens service charge on their bank accounts!!! Can you believe that?? And they are all mad and moving their accounts and now the Credit Union is trying to placate them. Just don't charge them. We're seniors and we don't have to pay!!! Actually I don't pay any service charges because of my faithful years at Scotiabank. A big perk that I have been glad I have. Thanks you Scotiabank!
We get our flu shots tomorrow too.
See Ya By

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad rejean is safe. Troy's accident aftermath hit me last friday at work and i couldn't stop crying just thinking about what could have happened and the images of his truck that nite and running on the road to find out what happened and driving in the blizzard to the hospital to find him safe, sister sue-take care of Rejean.