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Friday, November 14, 2008


DELICIOUS!!! Well I cooked all afternoon (actually only took 1/2 hr preparation and then the oven did all the hard work) and put together my venision recipe from Canada in the Rough - we tped the show and I had it on right besie my kitchen to follow the directions. I had four venison backstraps and I marinated them in vinegar and water for about two hours - then cut them into medalions - dredged them in flour and then browned them in EVOO (extra virgin olive oil for those of you who don't watch Rachel Ray) then transferred them to the roasting pan. Fried up some onions and garlic in the same pan and then added cups of beef broth to the pan. then added a bunch of spices then added the finishing touch - two bottles of beer - I used Rejean's Bud Light because I was saving my Coor's light for myself. 325 degrees for two hours but in the last 20 minutes of cooking you add the dumplings - I have never made dumplings before but they turned out pretty good. Well the dinner was a hit - I also had some sour dough bread to go with it. The meat was sooooo tender - you didn't need a knife to cut it. Everyone enjoyed it and I know it will be made again - you can actually use it with pork tenderloin or moose!! Yum Yum!!
No deer today but we still have tomorrow morning. We pushed the mountain today - it was fun. I was expecting to see my monster buck everywhere. But I would have settled for anything. We found a good spot to put the permanent blind from across the lake - you can see tons from the new spot. Work for next year.
It is 8 pm and the guys are downstairs bonding again so I will sign off and turn on the tv and relax - ahhhh
See Ya By
The picture of the garbage picker on the beach was a treat for me - we talked about all the garbage we have seen and picked up - I am not the only person on this mission to clean up our areas - I am sure there are more out there like us.

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