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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Just got an e-mail from Joanne out in Calgary with a cc from Susan in Gorrie - with all the snow that they are getting there, Troy her son, was in a car accident on his way to work - he flipped his truck and it slid sideways thru the field which broke the side window and filled his truck cabin with mud -Sue and Jack got the call and sped to the scene but they had already taken him to the hospital - he just needed cleaning up (from all the mud) and stitches in his chin which was cut in three places, a black and blue lip and eye but other than that he was ok. Troy is very lucky. Sue managed to see him in the emergency room and made sure he was ok then made it to a surprise party that night. I bet she had a few drinks to calm her nerves. Our Guardian Angel is at work again. Kyle's truck caught on fire and was a write off so 2 new trucks in the Robinson family - keep the economy going - buy Dodge Trucks and keep Rejean's pension coming in.
I was at a meeting today over at Cheryle's with the other Wahrncliffe ladies - we are catering a luncheon next Wednesday at the credit union - 80 - 100 people at 3 sittings - just when I thought it was safe to put my apron away this comes up - how the hell do I know how many sandwiches one hardboiled egg makes - but we figured it out and next Tuesday I will be making sandwiches, cutting veggies and fruit and making a pickle tray for the next day. It will be fun.
Did my 31 minute run today on the treadmill - every time I run I will add another minute to the time. My muscles are sore today from the weights yesterday but it feels good - it is a good kind of sore - they let me know that I am doing good. It feels good to be back exercising.
Got our first big snowfall today - it has been snowing all day and will continue throughtout the night - ran the truck up and down the road to build a base for the tractor - and this year I get to work the tractor/snow blower - I have to know how to do these things if and when Rejean won't be able to. It will be an adventure that's for sure - look out - I'll have to wear my helmut.
Time to go watch my cooking channel - BTW (by the way) my dinner last night was delicious and I will definitely keep that recipe - Yum Yum - left overs tonite too - I got a nice sour dough loaf from Value Mart yesterday and there is enough for dinner tonight - and a nice glass of white wine (which I am drinking right now) and a salad - you don't need anything more...except...
See Ya By

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

?sister suewhat was the recipe