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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


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Got my deviled eggs done this morning - now I am going to burn my burnables - I am a pyromaniac at heart so I do enjoy tending and poking the fire. No threat of the forest burning down as there is too much snow and another 10-15 cm predicted tomorrow - oh well - guess what we will be doing tomorrow???
Ron and Mary are coming over at about 5pm for cocktails before we head on over to Axe Lake - we will be bundled up tonite as it is going to be about -15c - I have no idea what the wind chill will be but I will be prepared - I am going to wear my fur hat that Susan and Jack and Joanne and Mitch got me this summer. there will be a big bon-fire going and that is where the majority of people who are not playing cards will be congregating. I don't play cards up here because there are some people who are fanatics about it and who play for money - I don't so I won't be involved in that. I have decided to stick with my beer tonite - I don't want another episode like Super Bowl Sunday - besides there are no pool tables at Arnold's. I don't know what Linda will be drinking but I am sure it won't be margaritas!!!
Please be safe - don't drink and drive - lucky you if you are staying home tonite and entertaining - you can indulge.
I will raise a toast to you at midnight - my faithful blog readers - without you this would not be as much fun - what is a blog without it's readers??? I do it for you.
C H E E R S ! ! !

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Went into town today to get my eggs for the big party tomorrow nite. It's the first time I've been in town since before we left and even downtown Thessalon has it's sales - I hit Forestland and got some good bargoons - a nice white - wait for it - turtleneck - it's hard to keep them white - I'll keep this one for good. Also a Woolrich corduroy sage green jacket that I think I will wear tomorrow nite to the party - it is going to be in Joy and Arnold's garage (and they are not even home) and the meal will be served at Davey's house - he brings up a ton of ribs from the Tunnel BBQ in Windsor and cooks them over an outdoor fire - he has quite the set up - I'll take a picture of it to show you. There will also be chicken, sausages and who knows what else - he supplies the meat and everyone else brings the rest - as you know I'll be bringing the deviled eggs, Linda is doing macaroni salad and buns, and Mary is bringing coleslaw. I don't know what else will be served but I am sure it will be tooooo much. After eating you have to stay awake until midnight - a chore I am sure. There will be a big bon-fire outside, fireworks, tables set up for cards etc. At about quarter to midnight the girls grab some unsuspecting guy and dress him up in diapers for the new year's baby. I told Rejean to wear clean underwear just in case...there should be about 30 of us bringing in the new year tomorrow nite - what are your plans????
Then there is the question of New Year's Resolutions - I usually don't make them but this year I am going to and you can be sure I will keep them - there are some things in my life I have been neglecting and I want to remedy that. Keeping in touch with my sisters, friends and family. Keeping up my training for my marathons and just general well being - I am getting older and I can feel little aches and pains where there were none before. I believe it has a lot to do with your attitude towards life - I feel that life just keeps getting better and better and I am being rewarded for every good thing I have ever done in my life. I am very appreciative.
Also to eat healthier - I am cutting out all the goodies that are my downfall - those cheese flavoured Bits and Bites!!! I will never buy them again - they are evil. Also those honey mustard sour dough bites that they sell at ValuMart - never again will they pass by my lips. No more sour dough bread - ugh - I could eat a whole loaf (I am getting hungry). I will not cut out snacks that are good for you - like almonds and prunes (I love pitted prunes - I have an open bag right now in my fridge and every time I go into the fridge I dig out one to eat) I like them to get hard - I don't like them soft. But enough about my diet.
I am getting a new camera once Steve tells us what one he recommends - I need one with the image stabilizer - my tremor is getting worse and it shows in my pictures - a lot of the ones I took over Christmas are blurry. But with the stabilizer I should be shooting like the pros. I have tons of Visa Gold points so I am going to put them to good use. My pictures should be good from tomorrow nite as the tremor is not as severe after you have had a drink - don't laugh - it is true - you can look it up yourself on a website - that is how you can tell it is a familial tremor because it disappears after alcohol is ingested - another good reason to have a cocktail.
Hey, it didn't snow today!!!! And the forecast is clear right thru to New Year's day - now we can get some real work done.
See Ya By

ps - in case you don't see my blog tomorrow I wish everyone a safe and happy New Year's Eve - I hope you are able to spend it with people you love and care about and toast the New Year in with a smile - enjoy!!!


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Monday, December 29, 2008


We found out who blew out our entrance - it was our fiend Ron. Ron drove his Kubota tractor about 3 miles down highway 129 to our place and blew out the entrance to our home. We were really worried that we couldn' get in our drive because of the snow piled up at our entrance by the big road plows - usually Rejean has blown the snow and keeps it quite clear - for us and for Sharon, our mail lady. But being in windsor we were not able to keep up with it. Ron was on his way home from the Post and he saw how high the pile was and realized that we would not make it in when we got home. He proceeded to help us. That is what neighbours do for each other - we all watch out for each other. He himself was trapped in his home for two days because of the weather - it was soggy so they couldn't drive in the slush - when it froze again there would be big tire ruts in the snow base. They just sat it out.
We spent 5 hours on the clean up - it wasn't that bad because it was pleasant working outside. Not too cold - until it started snowing again!!! We had another 10cm fall this afternoon. We will be out again tomorrow. You don't need exercise equipment up here because you get your exercise just doing your chores - it was quite the workout. We quit around 2:30 and just watched the rest of the snow come down. Rest before tomorrow.
But I was glad to be back - I feed my birds and the squirrel was around - no sign of the fox - but I hear he is being well fed at Axe Lake. Two more days 'til New Year's Eve - another reason to party up here - I have some fireworks...
See Ya By

Sunday, December 28, 2008


We woke up to howling winds, checked the weather and decided to make a break for home. It was very windy - they were supposed to be 70K/hr and some felt like it. We just took our time and heard on the radio that there was a winter storm watch in effect for northern Mich. - where was that info when we needed it. But it wasn't that bad. But then we heard on the radio that traffic on the Mackinac bridge was restricted to car traffic!!! Rejean had heard that the winds were only 20 miles/hr. Someone got that wrong. We approached the bridge and you could see the cables just a whipping in the wind. I asked Rejean to not drive on the grate - even on nice days I don't like that. You could feel the bridge move!!! They had trucks escorting traffic across - I was not too happy. I was looking down at the ice cold water with the ice bergs floating and could picture myself sinking. We just crawled across but we made it. The rest of the trip was ok and no hassles at customs.
We were worried about not being able to get in our laneway as they have had a lot of snow and the plows would have gone by and pushed the snow across our entrance - we were prepared to walk - we had out boots, mitts, hats and coats ready - but someone had plowed out the entrance up to the gate so we were able to get up just on top of the hill before we got stuck - the snow is two feet deep!!! Anyway we would not have been able to get by the garage as the snow finally came down and it is about three feet deep - guess what Rejean will be doing tomorrow. We grabbed some stuff out of the car and walked up to the house - we will deal with the rest tomorrow.
I am sitting here with a nice cold beer, the fire is going and I am home - there is no place like home...
See Ya By

ps - pics tomorrow

Saturday, December 27, 2008


We only have dial-up at home so when we come to Amherstburg we take my notebook and just enjoy the speed. I am sitting here in the kitchen in my pjs with my laptop on - what else - my lap and enjoying the moment.

What a week it has been - it is always busy when we come to Windsor but especially busy during the holidays - you try to fit everything into a couple of days - shopping, visiting, eating, drinking etc. We still have to get the oil changed on my car, visit with Rejean's mom to see her Christmas decorations, return her left behind thermal bag from Christmas day and enjoy one last family get together at Anne's this - I am tired just thinking about it. Then we head for home tomorrow (Sunday) We have checked the weather reports along the route and it should be ok. It is supposed to go up to 12 degrees C here today - it was pouring rain coming home last nite from Rick's. Got to see Steve and Jenn's new cupboards - wow - nice work Steve!! I told Jenn you have to be patient with Steve - he is just like Rejean on a project - they were both going over the work and Rejean was giving Steve a few pointers - you learn something new with everything you do. Got to see Jimmy and MaryAnne last nite as well - Looking good Jimmy!!

Today we load up the car with all our stuff and head out tomorrow morning - but one last celebration tonite - a family get together at Anne's. More eating and drinking but I will maintain as always because I am always the designated driver. I don't mind - I have had my turn to indulge occasionally. I think I prefer the designated driver status.

I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do this trip but isn't that always the case. But I will make up for it shortly.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and that Santa was good to you. You still have to get through New Year's Eve - be safe. We will be at the annual Axe Lake New Year's Eve Extravaganza - I'll make a huge batch of deviled eggs to go on the buffet table -my signature dish - it is a no stress contribution. I'll try to stay awake 'til midnight.

We may not be able to get in our driveway when we get home - there has been a big dumping of snow since we have been away - also the snow has probably fallen off the garage roof and covered he driveway - we'll have to park at Ute's and walk in then get the tractor out to blow the snow - it is supposed to be mild so that will make the snow heavy - oh well - just one of the joys of living up north I love it...

See Ya By

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I saw this in the LCBO magazine and just had to have it. I had the LCBO in Thessalon order it in and picked it up just before our trip to Windsor. When the light hits it, it sparkles around the room. I like it and what's in it!!
See Ya By


When in Windsor order pizza!!! You just can't get a good pizza up north. This pizza was for 4 people believe it or not - lots of leftovers - breakfast, lunch but not for dinner. Because tomorrow nite, Christmas Eve, it is the traditional Christmas Eve Extravaganza at Lise's house. All the family gathers for a gift exchange, and lots of good eats. There should be about 30 of us. We picked names and we have a $15 limit. It's a lot of fun. Every one brings something to eat - I am famous for my M & M meatballs - they go fast!! Lots of work to prepare those:) We stay there til after midnight so they can call Michael who lives in Quebec - he is the only one who doesn't come.
Hit some stores today to finish up the shopping. It was busy and the streets were bad because of the snow. Costco was not that bad. And I even went to the mall. I got what I wanted and got out of there fast.
Stacey and Andrew will be going to Sarnia to visit his family tomorrow.
Then it will be Christmas...
See Ya By

Saturday, December 20, 2008


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It was sooo cold in Sudbury...I don't think I have ever been that cold in my life!!! We decided to make a break for it yesterday. We packed for overnite as it is a 3 hour ride and we did have some shopping to do and maybe take in a movie..
We hit Maple Leaf Masonry as soon as we pulled off of 17. Nice people. As soon as you walked through the door you were greeted by a father and son team. They saw me glance at a glass block on display and bet I was there to buy some to put a light in it. I have seen that craft and it is nice. But no - we were there for bricks. They took us upstairs to show us all the colors they came in - we thought they only had the light grey. We (I) decided on the darker grey color. But the displays of all their other stone products - wow - if I ever win a million I know where I'll get my stone. Then when they were writing up the bill of sale, the father started chatting me up. He gave me a grapefruit that was on their counter, I got a note holder that is real neat - it sticks to a wall and you slip a piece of paper under the little slide and it holds it there until you slip that paper sideways out - it is the only way you can get it out - it really holds the paper in place - then he gave me a note pad with their name on it - then he gave me a keychain that has an actual bubble level in it!!! Just like Christmas!!! Then we go out into the lot to get the bricks loaded into the back of the truck. I have on my little ankle boots, jeans, a turtle neck sweater, my down black jacket and some leather gloves and a Bud Lite touque - Rejean calls me to hold up the tuneau cover as it has froze so that it won't bend. I can hold it up but about one minute later my fingers are frozen - I have to go into the car for my better gloves - it was freezing out there - the wind was howling and it was bitter cold. It got to about -17F!!! That was not with the windchill - that was the temp. My face hurt it was so cold. After there we checked into our room right across the street then proceeded to Costco - $400 later....we never get out of there without at least spending $300 or more - oh well - we do need it. There was a Silver City right behind so we snuck over to see if The Day The Earth Stood Still was playing and lo and behold it was. I bought some tickets for 6:50 that evening at the kiosk - I hesitated when I punched in Regular instead of Senior. The regular price was $7.50 which I thought was pretty good after Windsor's show tickets but the senior's was only $4.50. And the senior age was 65 - now in the dark when you hand the ticket taker your tickets I don't think they would give us a hard time like calling for security to throw us out for trying to sneak in as seniors when we obviously weren't (be nice) but, being the honest person that I am I punched in regular. $15 for two show tickets.
We then hit Home Depot to check out the toilets and for me to look at my Tuscan Stone floor and dream about when it will finally be down and to check out the bathroom tiles AGAIN. All the Christmas decorations were already 50% off and more. Well, back home my Christmas wreath had blown down in the storm and fallen in the slush and then froze to the ice when the temp dropped overnite. The only way you could get it up was to scrape it and a lot of my decorations were damaged (besides it has seen better days) so it was bound for the dump. I got a nice wreath with fruit and berries on it for $5!!! Almost free!!! A good bargoon.
Dashed back for dinner then hit the show - I remember and liked the original The Day The Earth Stood Still with Michael Rennie in it. I was not impressed with this one. I was waiting for the girl to rush back to Gort to say Klaatu Birada Nikto but they left that out - how could you leave that out??? That made the whole movie. I won't spoil it for you if you want to see it but I give it 1 star.
When we got back out to the car it was -17F !!!!!!
I am glad we got that trip out of the way - now we just have to check the weather for our trip down to Windsor - I hear you guys are supposed to get more snow Sunday - they got 19 cm according to the weather station - I now know how to tell how deep 19 cm is - think 10/4 - 10cm of snow equals 4 inches - now I can visualize 19 cm. That's a lot for Windsor.
Well that's it for now - Rejean is playing his Xbox again. We really do need two tvs.
See ya By

Thursday, December 18, 2008


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That's what they were saying on Canada AM this morning about the snow heading towards southwestern Ontario - read Windsor. Apparently you are in for a big dumping. How does that feel for a change? We have been socked good up here but you have so far been lucky. Just remember to drive slow and keep a safe distance between you and the other cars. Take corners slow. Arrive Alive. Ute got a new set of winter tires but she had a hard time tracking them down - a favour was called in for them. Quebec has now made it the law that you have to have winter tires so all the winter tires in Canada are heading that a-way. Good luck trying to find them this year. I have good tires on my Compass - not winter but all weather and with the four wheel drive and my good driving habits I do pretty good. On my way to the meeting last nite I saw a big logging truck in my rear view mirror - I put my indicator on and started slowing down as I was heading down the hill at dead man's curve (at the Axe Lake road ) I just made the turn into the road when he passed me going full tilt. I don't like them on my tail. I always tense when I see one of those trucks now after the accident.
Well we are heading out tomorrow to Sudbury - the weather looks pretty good so we are making a break for it. We have our lists and have checked them twice so hopefully we won't forget anything. Road Trip!!!
I had my doctor's appointment today - I am fine by the way - and got to talk with my doctor - Dr Wagegijic - she's a hoot. I found out today she has a great fear of clowns!! We got to talking about stuff like that - in between the health stuff - I think I spent about 25 minutes in there and I was only getting a prescription refilled + some other stuff. No 2 minutes and gone stuff in Thessalon - our doctors take care of you. My first meet and greet with her took about 45 minutes - she got all my information and history. My next appointment a few weeks later was a complete - and I mean complete - physical. Again it took almost an hour. She is very thorough.
Now I just have to work on my dentist up here - I go to Dr Coscarella in Windsor and he is soooo good - I make dental appointments when I go to Windsor but in case of emergencies it is best to have one local.
No blog tomorrow - don't worry, I'll be back on Saturday. Stay warm and safe.
See Ya By

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


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I was reading Stacey's blog - - and she mentioned that she had applied to be an Olympic Torch carrier in 2010 when the Olympics come to Canada. I had applied back in November when it first came out. I applied for the Timmons to Sault St Marie leg of the journey - I figure I have a good chance as the population up here is kind of scarce so I think I have a shot at it. Wish me luck. Just something exciting to do. Besides you get to keep the outfit. You know how I like free stuff!! She has also applied to be a bone marrow donor - way to go Stacey!! More people should be like you - if you can help, why wouldn't you. We give blood regularly and it just feels good to donate. We are saving lives just by giving a little bit of your time and blood for others who need it. Imagine yourself in the recipient's shoes. "It's in you to give".
Just got back from a meeting regarding the Wharncliffe Hall. A blustery nite to be out but - I have obligations. We just OKd the new contract for the demolition and reconstruction of the new hall and it should be up by April 14, 2009. There goes my next summer. I'll be cooking my little brains out once a month for the hall. We raised over $6000 this summer by our bake sales and the luncheon we catered this month - we even got an $80 tip that went right back into the hall fund. It's the only way we can make money and keep the fire hall open. Just call me Betty. Speaking of which - I am addicted to the cooking channel - Chris and I watched it when we were in Florida and I found it quite interesting - why can't I cook like that?? I have taped a few shows and tried a few recipes. I am so inspired I am going to have a dinner party for 8 in January and use all recipes I have found from the shows - blackened cat fish from the Chef At Home and his monkey bread for desert and some smashed potatoes from 30 Minute Meals. Looks easy enough - but check back with me after the party. I will be sure to have a good box of white wine to get me through. Never cook without it.
Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment in town - if I can get out - we are expecting more snow. I hear Windsor got a good dumping 3-4 inches. WOW. That's a lot for you guys. It will probably be gone soon.
We are off to Sudbury on Friday - wish us luck. Then, hopefully Windsor on Monday or Tuesday depending on the weather.
The fox has been around the last few days - he is being well fed - sardines today - and dog food which he loves. He eats the bird seeds and peanuts - even foxes eat peanuts - not my little squirrel. I'll have to pick up a few cans of dog food at the store tomorrow - good thing Linda and John are staying on Axe Lake for Christmas so my fox will be fed over the holidays - he just makes the rounds. But he still hunts - I saw him stalking the birds the other day. And he has made a full recovery from his leg wound - he doesn't limp anymore. Thank goodness.
Well enough blogging - time to go upstairs - Rejean had his Xbox out for the first time in years - I'll have to fight him for control of the television now.
See Ya By

Monday, December 15, 2008


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Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah - blah blah blah - blah blah blah!! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
But enough about the weather.
I think I am going to pick up a turkey in a box the next time I am in Thessalon because with the way things have been going, we may not make it to Windsor. Arnold and Joy are still here - they have been trying to get to Windsor for days!! One day at a time...
The Blogger site has a special daily pick - their Blog of Note - and the one that I last viewed was pretty neat - it was a woman with two kids, very artsy with a husband who is a professor, from the info on the site, but she posted pictures from when they went out to cut down their Christmas tree for the holidays - when I think of that I think of going out to a tree farm and picking one out and cutting it down but trying to pick out a good one is half the battle. Not in this case - she posted a picture of row upon row of cedar trees that were just the perfect Christmas tree shape - I have never seen that before - it was like cookie cutter Christmas trees - every one the perfect tree. I wonder how much they paid. I have never seen cedar shaped like that but it was probably a close relative of cedar than we are used to. Oh well - to each their own.
I am going to make another batch of my almonds today - to take to Windsor (maybe). I was talking to Jodie last nite and I never sent her a batch this Christmas so I will have to send it off after the holidays - she probably didn't need them before the holidays as she and Dave are going to Cozumel for Christmas - lucky.
Well I have to get moving today - maybe I can get some more pine done - can't go anywhere else in this weather. Oops - I wasn't going to mention the weather again...
See Ya By

Sunday, December 14, 2008


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Rick, my brother-in-law is going to be retired as of January 16th, 2009. It's about time. You will enjoy it. It is one of the best things that ever happened to me. This is what life is supposed to be. I am sure it won't take you long to adjust - just make sure you have something to do because without that - you will be b o r e d . Well, you know the way up here and you are more than welcome anytime. We will always have lots of work for you to do :) Welcome to the club!!
See Ya By


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I hate to sound like a broken record but we had more snow last nite - we woke up to about 8 more inches (I don't know what it is in metric as some of my readers have complained that I don't use the correct measurment descriptions - I am sorry but that is what I learned first and it is what I know - I am sure it is easy to do the conversions for yourself - as it would be just as easy for me to do the conversions but I am too busy shovelling snow). Today I shovelled off the trailer - we have had our eye on it for the past week or so because of all the snow we are getting but the snow this morning was the kicker - we are supposed to warm up to about 5 degrees C and some rain so it would make it pretty heavy - so up went the ladder and then up went I. It was actually pretty easy to clear - it hadn't gotten too heavy. It took about an hour or so to finish - then I brushed off the cedars in front of the trailer - they were heavy with snow. Rejean just finished our roads and now is over at Ute's doing hers.
We'll go for a walk later on - I don't know if we will be snowshoeing because it is very deep in the bush but it is a good day for it. It is not really cold so it will be comfortable.
We still haven't made it to Sudbury - we are going to make a break for it maybe tomorrow - it will depend on the weather.
Chicken soup today - I have skinless boneless chicken thighs - something ValueMart doesn't carry often - so I thought today's the day. I'll dig out my recipe and voila - dinner.

Well must get back out there - my squirrel still ignors the peanuts I put out - so I took the nuts out of the shell to see if he would pay attention to them - no - he just passes them by - he must be a young one but you would think he could smell the nuts. Oh well, the Blue Jays don't mind it at all - all the more for them.
See Ya By

ps - it is STILL snowing

Saturday, December 13, 2008


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I will set up the scenario - 6 of us piled into the truck and I drove to the Christmas Party on Basswood Lake - there were 16 of us and we had a great time - enough food to feed a small village - I was the designated driver so I only had a caesar when I got there and that was it. We were supposed to leave early as Joy and Arnold were leaving for Windsor early the next day (weather permitting - but that is another blog) John and Linda are not late night people and we were just going with the flow - I noticed the time - 10:30 - so I gave Rejean the signal - he started the car - with a remote car starter - thanks again Stacey and Andrew - nice gift - and we were off. To get back from Basswood Lake to 129 we took Basswood Lake Road - a dirt road with the woods on either side - not many houses and very little traffic. OK now I have 5 slightly tipsey people in the truck and we come across two cars stopped - one in a drive way and the other on the road - we figured it was just two cars meeting and they knew each other but as we were driving past, a woman started waving so we immediately stopped. We realized the two cars were stopped at Mrs H. drive way - an older woman from Germany who is by herself. We rolled down the window and she said that there was a car in her drive and she couldn't get in her laneway up to her house - 1.2 ks up the laneway. We got out and investigated the parked car - no one was in it but there were candles on the dash and lots of used matches - a sheepskin in the back seat and an oil heater. We figured someone lived in the car but where were they? We couldn't move the car and began wondering what was going on. Mrs H is all by herself and we won't leave her there. We looked around and noticed footprints going up and coming down her laneway. It was decided that Mrs. H would go up to her house with a few of us to check out her house in case someone had broken in - Joy and Arnold went with her as the reast of us weren't really dressed for wandering through the woods at 11:30pm, full moon or not. We stayed in the car - we started imagining different reasons why this car was there - maybe there was a body in the trunk - maybe we were being watched from the woods by the culprits - maybe they had robbed the place but their car had stalled - we watch too much television. John started making funny little noises and thumping his feet in the car - I told him to knock it off. Then I got the idea to take pictures of the scene for my blog so I got my camera out and was getting out of the truck when John - who had slowly gotten out of the truck - jumped out at me from the back of the truck - well I screamed - the bastard had scared the sh-t of out me. Paybacks are a bitch John. Then we heard a cell phone ring - you think we could find it in Joy's purse? We were scrambling to answer it but we finally got it. Joy was calling from the house that no one had broken in but there were lots of footprints around the house - they called the police from the house then came back to the road to wait for them. Mrs H's good friends Ron and Darlene were called at the party and they joined us. Ron blows the snow from her laneway and keeps an eye on her place when she is gone. They stayed with her until the police came - we left. So the early evening we had planned on was not to be - we got home at 1:30 in the morning!! Not too often I do that. Linda called me this morning that the car belonged to a local woman who had had too much to drink and had pulled over into Mrs H's laneway and walked to the house for help - finding no one home she left the car in the laneway and walked up the road to a lodge but no one was home either - now this would be a few km walk in the snow and cold with only the moon to light her way - she must have been freezing - but she finally found someone and they drove her home. The police called her and she had to arrange for a tow truck to remove the car. Mrs. H stayed at her home that night once she found out it was a local and not someone out to rob her. I have learned to always be prepared for the unexpected up here - you have to have the essentials like a working flashlite in your car and always have the appropriate clothes with you. I didn't have a hat and I had skimpy leather gloves - Linda didn't even have boots on!!
Then we woke up to a ton of new snow - I didn't make it to the dump today - we shovelled and blew snow all day - I put some Christmas music on and it was perfect - walking in a winter wonderland. I hear it is raining in Windsor - I'll bring some of the white stuff with me when I come.
Well I have to get my exercises done today - as if I haven't had enough with the snow. But I have to keep up my routine.
See Ya By

ps - Mrs H was very thankful that Canadian people stopped to help her - she said that would never have happened in Germany but I think it would. People help other people no matter where you live.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


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Guess what - more snow. Woke up to about 3-4 more inches of the white stuff - I had to sweep of the balcony but we aren't going to blow today - maybe tomorrow. The wind is also picking up but not as cold as yesterday - it is a balmy -5C -. We have enough to do inside - today I gently sand down the pine then do the final coat of varathan - Rejean is working on the two little windows above the new bathroom door - we are going to put some of that decorative glass above the door - nothing frosted but you can get some nice glass that is clear but has some design in it - they use it in french doors - now the trick is to find it - I have a connection at Bayview Glass and Mirror in Windsor - Al used to be a customer of the bank so I may have to pull in a favour. We'll also look in Sudbury for it. It will just add a special little touch in that space and he is making the moldings so that it looks like one tall door. It is slowly coming together. On Estate park we had a piece of glass etched with the designs in the wall paper trim and it looked great. That was in the shower on the main floor.
I will be posting some pictures today - I promise - just my laptop doesn't have my recent pictures on it - I have to use the one downstairs for that.
Well it must be warm in the garage by now - Rejean went on ahead to start the fire in the garage so I am off to work - I'll have the tunes going and I will be in my own little world thinking about the upcoming trip to Windsor for Christmas - can't wait.
See Ya By

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


They weren't kidding - it has been snowing all week and with more to come- but we seem to avoid the big snowfalls - 25 cm - we'll only get about 10 cm. We aren't going to blow the snow until tomorrow. After it is all done.
But at least we have started the pine - something I can do. Rejean cut the boards to length and did the V cut on the front of each board - I had to choose the nicest side - hard to do because I like the flaws, the knot holes and the discolored wood - Rejean doesn't - so I try sneak a couple of MY boards through. I then had to sand the ends down and the sides. I got to cut the V shape on the router - power tools - you gotta love 'em. We did manage to get one coat of varathan on them - I'll apply the second coat tomorrow when Rejean is out blowing the snow. Then we lightly sand before the third coat goes on. We have enough for behind the wood stove after the NovaBrik goes on. Which we will get when we go to Sudbury on Monday - when the weather settles down.
The pictures of the woodpeckers were not from my personal pictures - I now know how to post a picture from the internet to my blog. I am getting good at this. Stacey tried to show me when I was in Windsor but I didn't remember exactly how.
I hear it is raining in Windsor - I prefer snow - it is really kind of neat with all the snow - I won't try the lake until January - I'm a big chicken. The big lake - Cummings - is not even close to freezing over but all it takes is a few really cold nites and I hear we are in for some cold weather next week. I see all the ice huts ready to go and waiting for the hard water. Ron's is panelled in cedar and looks great - like a bunkie.
I have some pictures of my handiwork but it may not make the blog until tomorrow after I get the pictures on the downstairs computer.
See Ya By

Monday, December 8, 2008


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We didn't make it to Sudbury today - another dumping of snow so we are playing it safe and keeping off the roads - that's the only thing up here - you can't depend on any travel on any given day - you just have to wait until it is safe - that's another perk of being retired - you have the luxury of not having to be anyplace at any given time - and I like it.
We will be working on the workout and bathroom today - I will finally get some wood cut so I can get to work - I just have to finish my Christmas cards, the wash, my run, etc etc.
Did you know that if you google "Northern Bliss" my blog shows up - how neat is that being on Google - I guess that is my fifteen minutes of fame...
See Ya By

Sunday, December 7, 2008


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Woke up this morning and it was 25 below C - we knew it was going to be cold when we came home from dinner last nite at 9pm - it was clear out and the wind was just a howling. And cold!!! We sleep with the window open just a crack and the ceiling fan going - I like it cold - and it was great for sleeping. Dinner was great - it was walley, french fries, a brocoli salad, cole slaw and a garden salad. And for desert it was butter tarts - oh and we had bacon wrapped scallops for an or'derve - and they had a visitor - Choco the fat chocolate lab they were babysitting for the evening. What a sweetheart - what a big dog!!! Solid - not flabby- and those eyes...he got to lick the scallop pan after it had cooled and he loved it. A good evening with friends. We got home at 9pm.
This morning we got our hair cuts at Robin's. I played with their two dogs - Chloe and Sandy. Everyone has a dog except me...someday. Then we cleaned up the snow and I cleaned my house. Tomorrow we are off to Sudbury - my first time there - they have a Costco and the NovaBrik we need so we are making it a road trip with a sleepover. I'll take my camera in case we see something - we are packing emergency clothing and stuff just in case - boots, hats, gloves, snowsuits etc.
See Ya By

Friday, December 5, 2008


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Rejean is downstairs playing Doom on his computer and I am upstairs updating my blog - it is one of those uneventful days - I headed into town today and mailed my parcels - two to Calgary and one to Gorrie. I paid more to mail them than what was in them - but that is not the point - the point is that I MAILED THEM ON TIME - I usually mail them one week before Christmas then I pay through the nose for them to get there on time. And I will be mailing my cards Monday!!! I am proud of myself. I also got a bit more shopping done in town - I can always count on finding something at Forestland - a neat store in Thessalon. they have everything - clothes, shoes, boots, northern clothing (ie fleece and fur) nick nacks etc. I also hit Home Hardware for a few gifts - can't beat Home Hardware for stuff. Also hit the LCBO for something for me - I ordered that vodka bottle that is all decked out like a disco ball - I think it will look great on the bar (when we get it done). I also stocked up on a new address book as my old one has seen better days - and I am always misplacing addresses (right Jodie?) and what better time than Christmas to do that so I will be ready for next year. I got a suet holder and a suet brick for my birds - I usually make my own but I don't have enough bacon fat to do it yet - guess what is for breakfast tomorrow...
We are in for another dumping of snow again tonite - another Alberta Clipper. Tis the season.
Did my weights today and found a new website (thankyou Stacey) that keeps track of my workouts and runs - it is hard to keep track of it in my head and especially if you are training for a marathon or a half. It's nice to see it in black and white and it accumulates the mileage and times.
Tomorrow nite it is dinner at the Demers'. I picked up some nice bottle bags at the Dollar Store and some tissue to dress it up - they have some neat stuff there. So the bottle of wine we will bring arrives in style.
Dump day tomorrow - my job - weather permitting....
See Ya By

ps - I will try those binoculars with the camera in it for bird identification - my Downy woodpecker was at the bird feeder today - or was it the Hairy woodpecker...

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Yesterday we did get to the Sault - it did snow all day but there was very little accumulation - got the majority of my shopping done and had a great time with John and Linda. We were approaching Axe Lake Road at about 6:30pm when we could see six headlights in the distance - one set of headlights were off the road. As we got closer we could see two vehicles had pulled over and there was a car upright in the ditch. He was very lucky - he had come down the hill and misjudged how steep it was and couldn't make the turn and just went straight across the Axe Lake road and into the field across the road - thank goodness there were no rocks or trees. Just going too fast for the road conditions.
Well after that we had a cold beer at John's after we unloaded all their purchases. We could see the fox tracks outside the garage and the next time we looked, there he was - my little fox - I hadn't seen him in a couple of days and the food was beginning to pile up - John could only feed him a little bit of sausage - I scolded him for not coming around and I told him to drop by my house tomorow for more - well - low and behold this morning when I went downstairs to get something, there he was looking in my door at me!! I kid you not. So they really do understand when we talk - proof.
Also hung another bird feeder in front of where my treadmill is going so I will have something to watch when I am running for hours - and I had some feeding this afternoon - calmly - I looked them up in my bird book but I couldn't find them - I actually forgot some details so I couldn't identify them - I will have my book handy next time.
Wow - I am filling my social calendar for December quickly - first we were invited to a New Year's Eve party on Axe Lake (like I would turn that down) then we are invited over to Plain Jane and Les' on Saurday December 12th for a little get together with a bunch of other people and then for dinner this Saturday nite at Ron and Mary's. I will have to wash my jeans. It is very casual up here - even for weddings - they put an notice in the weekly paper inviting everyone.
It is cold out there - right now it is -15 C - thank goodness for wood stoves!!
See Ya By

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


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We may not get to the Sault again tomorrow - we are in for another blast of snow and wind tonite - but we'll see tomorrow morning - if it is too bad we won't go. And John plays hockey Thursday and he has a tournament this weekend so we are looking at next week already - being the procrastinator that I am I am aware of the deadline to mail parcels out of province. The regular delivery deadline is December 12th so I still have time...I am doing the rest of my Christmas shopping in the Sault so I do have to get there eventually. You'd think I would learn. One of my nightmares that I have regularly is that it is Christmas Eve and I don't have anything bought. I am sure it must mean something. I still have to write out my cards. I did buy some homemade Christmas cards from Cheryl up here - $12.00 for 12 cards and are they nice. So if you are on my Christmas card list you will be receiving one.
If we don't go to the Sault tomorrow it is time to work on the pine - they have to be cut to size then a V cut on each end then the varathaning begins - 2 coats of varathan then a light sanding then the final third coat - I should be done in about 5 years. I just put my tunes on and go to work. Wish me luck.
See Ya By

Monday, December 1, 2008


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SNOW DAY ! ! !

We didn't make it into the Sault today - we woke up and there was a blizzard outside - the weatherman really got it wrong this time - we were supposed to have light flurries of maybe 2-4 Cm of snow - more like a foot!!! Linda called at about 7:15am and asked if we were still on for today - I hope she was kidding. I called her back later on and called everyone a woosie - but there was no way we could have made it anywhere.
We got all rigged up and headed out the door by 9am - I got the veranda all swept off and my path to my woodshed cleared - I had a couple of letters I had to mail so I walked down to the mailbox and snapped a few photos just to give you a sence of what we have up here. Rejean got the tractor going and did his thing. I have to shovel after the tractor goes by up here at the house and down by the garage - you have these big ruts where the tractors tires have been and if you don't smooth them down they are a bugger to walk on (bugger is not a swear word anymore is it??) so that is my job. Four hours later and we broke for lunch - my part was all done - now Rejean has to go over to Ute's to do hers - she is in Germany visiting her family - so I am taking this opportunity to do my blog - just to keep you guys up to date on my life.
I got my old bird feeder up and the birds were very happy needless to say - they were all over it and that squirrel is using our weather stick as a perch where he sits to eat his seeds. He better not break it - so far it is usually pointing down - the stick is a very thin piece of twig that you affix to a tree and it tells you what the weather will be - it is pointing up like an erection -( sorry Mr & Mrs Barr but I need to get the visuals correct) for good weather and pointing down like you know what for poor weather and it is surprisingly accurate. You guys depend on all the Dopler weather stuff and we have a stick!! Hopefully the squirrel doesn't gain too much weight this winter to break the stick.
Looks like another cozy evening in front of the woodstove watching tv - keeping warm.
See Ya By