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Monday, December 1, 2008

SNOW DAY ! ! !

We didn't make it into the Sault today - we woke up and there was a blizzard outside - the weatherman really got it wrong this time - we were supposed to have light flurries of maybe 2-4 Cm of snow - more like a foot!!! Linda called at about 7:15am and asked if we were still on for today - I hope she was kidding. I called her back later on and called everyone a woosie - but there was no way we could have made it anywhere.
We got all rigged up and headed out the door by 9am - I got the veranda all swept off and my path to my woodshed cleared - I had a couple of letters I had to mail so I walked down to the mailbox and snapped a few photos just to give you a sence of what we have up here. Rejean got the tractor going and did his thing. I have to shovel after the tractor goes by up here at the house and down by the garage - you have these big ruts where the tractors tires have been and if you don't smooth them down they are a bugger to walk on (bugger is not a swear word anymore is it??) so that is my job. Four hours later and we broke for lunch - my part was all done - now Rejean has to go over to Ute's to do hers - she is in Germany visiting her family - so I am taking this opportunity to do my blog - just to keep you guys up to date on my life.
I got my old bird feeder up and the birds were very happy needless to say - they were all over it and that squirrel is using our weather stick as a perch where he sits to eat his seeds. He better not break it - so far it is usually pointing down - the stick is a very thin piece of twig that you affix to a tree and it tells you what the weather will be - it is pointing up like an erection -( sorry Mr & Mrs Barr but I need to get the visuals correct) for good weather and pointing down like you know what for poor weather and it is surprisingly accurate. You guys depend on all the Dopler weather stuff and we have a stick!! Hopefully the squirrel doesn't gain too much weight this winter to break the stick.
Looks like another cozy evening in front of the woodstove watching tv - keeping warm.
See Ya By

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