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Sunday, December 14, 2008


I hate to sound like a broken record but we had more snow last nite - we woke up to about 8 more inches (I don't know what it is in metric as some of my readers have complained that I don't use the correct measurment descriptions - I am sorry but that is what I learned first and it is what I know - I am sure it is easy to do the conversions for yourself - as it would be just as easy for me to do the conversions but I am too busy shovelling snow). Today I shovelled off the trailer - we have had our eye on it for the past week or so because of all the snow we are getting but the snow this morning was the kicker - we are supposed to warm up to about 5 degrees C and some rain so it would make it pretty heavy - so up went the ladder and then up went I. It was actually pretty easy to clear - it hadn't gotten too heavy. It took about an hour or so to finish - then I brushed off the cedars in front of the trailer - they were heavy with snow. Rejean just finished our roads and now is over at Ute's doing hers.
We'll go for a walk later on - I don't know if we will be snowshoeing because it is very deep in the bush but it is a good day for it. It is not really cold so it will be comfortable.
We still haven't made it to Sudbury - we are going to make a break for it maybe tomorrow - it will depend on the weather.
Chicken soup today - I have skinless boneless chicken thighs - something ValueMart doesn't carry often - so I thought today's the day. I'll dig out my recipe and voila - dinner.

Well must get back out there - my squirrel still ignors the peanuts I put out - so I took the nuts out of the shell to see if he would pay attention to them - no - he just passes them by - he must be a young one but you would think he could smell the nuts. Oh well, the Blue Jays don't mind it at all - all the more for them.
See Ya By

ps - it is STILL snowing

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