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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I was reading Stacey's blog - - and she mentioned that she had applied to be an Olympic Torch carrier in 2010 when the Olympics come to Canada. I had applied back in November when it first came out. I applied for the Timmons to Sault St Marie leg of the journey - I figure I have a good chance as the population up here is kind of scarce so I think I have a shot at it. Wish me luck. Just something exciting to do. Besides you get to keep the outfit. You know how I like free stuff!! She has also applied to be a bone marrow donor - way to go Stacey!! More people should be like you - if you can help, why wouldn't you. We give blood regularly and it just feels good to donate. We are saving lives just by giving a little bit of your time and blood for others who need it. Imagine yourself in the recipient's shoes. "It's in you to give".
Just got back from a meeting regarding the Wharncliffe Hall. A blustery nite to be out but - I have obligations. We just OKd the new contract for the demolition and reconstruction of the new hall and it should be up by April 14, 2009. There goes my next summer. I'll be cooking my little brains out once a month for the hall. We raised over $6000 this summer by our bake sales and the luncheon we catered this month - we even got an $80 tip that went right back into the hall fund. It's the only way we can make money and keep the fire hall open. Just call me Betty. Speaking of which - I am addicted to the cooking channel - Chris and I watched it when we were in Florida and I found it quite interesting - why can't I cook like that?? I have taped a few shows and tried a few recipes. I am so inspired I am going to have a dinner party for 8 in January and use all recipes I have found from the shows - blackened cat fish from the Chef At Home and his monkey bread for desert and some smashed potatoes from 30 Minute Meals. Looks easy enough - but check back with me after the party. I will be sure to have a good box of white wine to get me through. Never cook without it.
Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment in town - if I can get out - we are expecting more snow. I hear Windsor got a good dumping 3-4 inches. WOW. That's a lot for you guys. It will probably be gone soon.
We are off to Sudbury on Friday - wish us luck. Then, hopefully Windsor on Monday or Tuesday depending on the weather.
The fox has been around the last few days - he is being well fed - sardines today - and dog food which he loves. He eats the bird seeds and peanuts - even foxes eat peanuts - not my little squirrel. I'll have to pick up a few cans of dog food at the store tomorrow - good thing Linda and John are staying on Axe Lake for Christmas so my fox will be fed over the holidays - he just makes the rounds. But he still hunts - I saw him stalking the birds the other day. And he has made a full recovery from his leg wound - he doesn't limp anymore. Thank goodness.
Well enough blogging - time to go upstairs - Rejean had his Xbox out for the first time in years - I'll have to fight him for control of the television now.
See Ya By

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