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Monday, December 29, 2008


We found out who blew out our entrance - it was our fiend Ron. Ron drove his Kubota tractor about 3 miles down highway 129 to our place and blew out the entrance to our home. We were really worried that we couldn' get in our drive because of the snow piled up at our entrance by the big road plows - usually Rejean has blown the snow and keeps it quite clear - for us and for Sharon, our mail lady. But being in windsor we were not able to keep up with it. Ron was on his way home from the Post and he saw how high the pile was and realized that we would not make it in when we got home. He proceeded to help us. That is what neighbours do for each other - we all watch out for each other. He himself was trapped in his home for two days because of the weather - it was soggy so they couldn't drive in the slush - when it froze again there would be big tire ruts in the snow base. They just sat it out.
We spent 5 hours on the clean up - it wasn't that bad because it was pleasant working outside. Not too cold - until it started snowing again!!! We had another 10cm fall this afternoon. We will be out again tomorrow. You don't need exercise equipment up here because you get your exercise just doing your chores - it was quite the workout. We quit around 2:30 and just watched the rest of the snow come down. Rest before tomorrow.
But I was glad to be back - I feed my birds and the squirrel was around - no sign of the fox - but I hear he is being well fed at Axe Lake. Two more days 'til New Year's Eve - another reason to party up here - I have some fireworks...
See Ya By

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