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Wednesday, January 28, 2009


There is nothing like the threat of company to make you clean your house. It actually wasn't a
"threat" as such - we invited Ron, Mary, Linda and Danielle over for dinner on Thursday nite but they couldn't make it - no other nite was convenient for all of us so we invited them over for drinks this evening - Linda and Danielle are leaving on Saturday and we wanted to see them before they left. With all the work around here the house was in need of some cleaning. There was a lot of dust downstairs from the wood stove and the chop saw. Plus all of our snow suits, boots, hats, gloves etc etc. After my trip to town I got to work. It really doesn't take long to do if you have your tunes on and a cold beer to hydrate with. We expected them around 6"30 - 7pm. We got a call at about 6:15 that they weren't going to make it. They had been out all day ice fishing (they got a lot of fish) and Mary had to go to the Sault tomorrow for some tests that she had to prepare for this evening so they couldn't come. No problem - we will make it another time but I an just sitting here with a nice clean house - all the dishes put away, my bathroom sparkling - the lights just dimmed enough to make it look nice. Rejean got his Xbox out and I did my exercises and now my blog - the usual evening routine.
We also went out today on the snowmobile to ride the trail we had blazed yesterday with the snowshoes. We blazed a trail from Limberlost Lodge down to Chubb Lake to get over to Jobam and Wakamata Lakes. It was a beautiful sunny day today (not like Windsor's weather I hear) and not really that cold. We rode around the trails in the old colony and up and down Chubb Lake. Nice.
I think the mantel will be installed tomorrow - it is really turning out nice - never any doubt in my mind - you will be able to see the results at least by Friday. I, myself ,will be doing another batch of pine - for the bathroom - our next project.
Stay tuned...
See Ya By

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