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Saturday, January 24, 2009


Finally, a day off for good behaviour. Ron called tonite and invited us out tomorrow on a snowmobile run. There will be 5 sleds and 6 of us. I'll be riding double on ours. We're going to blaze a trail down FootPrint Lake Road then over to Axe Lake. I don't know if anyone has been down the road yet but if not, we will make a new trail. We should be gone for a good four hours or so. I will be well dressed in my snowmobile suit, my GOOD boots and gloves and my goggles to keep the snow out of my eyes. It's supposed to be cold again tomorrow so we better be bundled up. There will be Ron and Mary, Ron's sister Linda and her husband Danielle (they are from Montreal) and us. then dinner at either Mary or Linda's house. Sounds like a good day. I'll take my old camera to get some action photos (I don't have a case for my new one - it didn't come with one) so I'll have to wait until I go to the Sault again.
Guess what we did today? Yup. Worked on the pine again - I have finished this batch and I'll have another 25 boards ready for me on Monday. Rejean worked on the mantel - nice work. He glued and tacked it into one piece which we fit into place to ensure it fits (it does of course) He'll start staining it and varathaning it on Monday.
It never ends thank goodness!
See Ya By

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