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Friday, January 2, 2009


We went to bed last nite without anymore snow coming down but we woke up to about 4 more inches as predicted again. There went our plans to work on the novabrick - Rejean got the tractor going and started a fire in the garage for me to work on my pine - they just need to be lightly sanded and then the final coat of varathane can be applied the they will be done. We got a call from Bruce's son asking about the snowmobiles. We are selling them both to purchase another one that has reverse, an electric start and is a two-up (that means it can accommodate two people - one driving and the other as a passenger - guess which one I will be) That is really all we need for what we will be using the machine for. A friend on Axe Lake has offered his for sale to us so we will take him up on it. We put the machines in the other garage so that meant that we would have to bring them over here - we have not been up to that property since the snow has started falling. It is deep!!! After Rejean finished blowing snow at Ute's he got his snowshoes on and I dropped him off on the road at the other property so he could walk in - the truck or tractor would never have even made it onto the property from the road - the snow is over three feet deep where the road plow has pushed it. He would have to dig out the snow at the other garage to get the machines out. I would return to get him in a hour. I returned to the garage to work on my pine. About 1/2 hour later I hear a snow machine in the driveway - Rejean had got mine working and drove it over. We got back in the car and I drove him over again to work on the other one - again he got it going and rode his back over - one more time in the truck to get the covers. They guys showed up at about 4:30 and bought them on the spot. They had to flip to see who got what machine - mine is slower than Rejean's. We had spiffed them up last year and the guys were impressed how good they looked for machines that were 25 years old - they were almost vintage!!!

That was it for the day - I had finished sanding my pine and Rejean was beat. We made plans to work on the novabrick tomorrow - then we get a call from Ron - cocktails at 2pm at their place tomorrow- there goes Saturday - I was going to detox this weekend (only joking) - it will be a blast over there - they are good friends. Cal and Sal will be there also.

Dump day tomorrow - my favourite day - maybe we will get a little work done tomorrow...

See Ya By

Stacey - it worked this time.

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