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Monday, January 12, 2009

PARTY! ! !

I got back from town and there were 7 snow machines in my front yard. All bright colors, red, yellow, lime green against the white of the snow and you have a pretty sight. All the guys were inside having a cold beer (thank goodness we had just been to the Post the day before to replenish our dwindled supplies) That's 7 guys, Rejean and me. 8x2+1=17 beers in 45 minutes!!! Needless to say I will be returning to the Post within the next few days. It was John and 5 of his buddies and Bob from the Lake. They were out for a run and had blazed a trail from the other property along the trail then out over the Lake. After they finished their beverages they headed out - we listened to them for a while then the sound faded. After Bob came back for the chain saw because there was a tree down over the trail there was a parade of colorful snowmachines heading across the Lake, up the hill from the swim rock up the little hill and into the yard, continuing down the driveway to the garage - quite impressive. I got a picture of them in the yard. Tomorrow we'll suit up for another run on ours to try out the trail. Should be COLD - they are calling for temps at -35C over nite!! That's a bit chilly - I'll have to keep the fires stocked at all times.
More tomorrow...
See Ya By

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