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Thursday, January 7, 2010


Last evening I was just getting ready to do my exercises and Rejean was "snoozing" on the couch. The phone rang at about 6:30 - it was our friend Ron and he had gotten his tractor in a ditch and needed our help in getting it out. Adventure!! We got dressed and were soon on our way. Ron and Mary accompanied us down the road - we were going to put a rope on the truck and pull the tractor out. We finally pulled him out but what a different way to spend an evening. It was nice and bright with the headlights all on. We got him out. Then we warmed up over some smoked fish, cheese, almonds and beer. Fun!!

Then today, it was nice enough to go out on the lake for the first time. I made Rejean venture out first because I was a sissy but I soon found out it WAS safe - about 9" safe. It was a nice sunny day and we zoomed up and down for a little while - all I need is a ramp and a ring of fire and I'm ready for the show. Tomorrow I am getting out my $2 cross country skiis and give it a go on the snowmachine tracks. It is supposed to be sunny but cold so I will prepare - I've got some snowboard sox that I got for a Christmas present from Jodie and Dave that I think will do just fine with my skiis. I'll let you know.
Well that is another report of my life - but I was thinking today about my friend Jim-Bob. I remember some good times up here with you and the gang. That is how I remember you - in the fresh air, sitting laughing with the guys after a hard day of fishing. I laugh when I remember how you tried to steal Rejean away from me because he was such a good cook. Yes he does make a good wife. Sitting around the camp fires sipping beverages and telling fish stories and stuff. The good times. Stay strong Jimmy!
See ya Bye


Anonymous said...

So, pray tell; How did the tractor get in the ditch ??

northernbliss said...

It slid into the ditch when he was blowing snow from the road - he hit an icy patch and it was on a hill and the rest, they say, is history