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Monday, January 25, 2010


We headed to the Sault today. I had a doctor's appointment so we prepared a list and we actually got everything on it. We first hit the glass store to get the two pieces for over the new door. We picked out the "water" glass but we had to come back later in the day because no one was there that could cut it - do you believe that? But since we had other things to do we didn't mind. We then went to Home Depot and got a light fixture for the entry way downstairs. It is similar to the ones we have in the workout room - the same type glass and same finish. We picked up other stuff like stick pins for our "Wall of Shame/Fame" We needed to get some cork board so we can frame it and display all the great pictures of fish, creatures, escapades etc. of all our company. Can't wait to get it up and going. Beware. No one is safe. We even picked up a new splitting axe. I was swinging it around in Canadian Tire. I wonder why no one was coming down that aisle. I'll be trying it out tomorrow.
While I was getting my bone density test, Rejean took the car to get the oil changed. He had commented that there was a funny smell in the car and he thought it might be mouse urine. I couldn't smell it but knowing that my car had housed another mouse before, I didn't rule it out. He actually saw the little guy when the hood was up for the oil change. He poked his little nose out to see what was going on then turned around and went right back to the safety of the engine compartment. Just as we were pulling into our driveway, there was a thump in the fan again - so I knew that the poor little mouse had found his way to the fan and was probably toast. It was too dark to check it out so tomorrow morning, Rejean will have to pull my car apart again to get at the little corpse. At least we know what it is this time. No surprises.
The weather has been very mild. The lakes are starting to thaw. I wouldn't go out on them right now. We are supposed to get colder weather so we may be ok in the next little while. If it freezes right now we could ice skate on them.
See ya Bye

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