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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


There are things that you just have to do to survive (live comfortably) up here. Today I topped up my wood drawer and the wood stand in the workout room. I also replenished the kindling bucket for upstairs and the one in the workout room. I have two axes that I use for this activity. One is my new 5 pound splitting axe. In the wood shed the pieces of wood are sometimes a bit big for the wood stoves. I take about every third one and split it. I set the piece on end on the snow by the wood shed and take aim with the axe. I must admit that sometimes I miss or take off just a slice. But I am getting better. The squirrels know to stay away from me when I am swinging that axe. The one I use to split the kindling is smaller. We cut about a cord of cedar last spring and that is what I am splitting. It was a fairly straight tree with few knots. Easier to split. I sit on a pop crate and turn on my tunes and split on the cement floor downstairs. A chore I don't mind. So far no cut feet or hands. Touch wood. It is one chore you have to focus on what you are doing. I consider that part of my exercise routine - upper body. Later on in the afternoon, I got in 1/2 hr on the treadmill at #3 elevation. My little birds and squirrels entertained me while on the treadmill. Makes the time just fly by...
See Ya Bye


Anonymous said...

where are you going to chop your kindling once the new flooring is in place?

Anonymous said...

are you going to stuff-the-mouse? it would make a great conversation piece for the mantle. no wonder you have to work-out so much-after a dinner and dessert like that!!!i'm jealous-sistersue

northernbliss said...

I have to do the kindling in the garage - or I can sit outside by my woodshed and do it there. I'll have to see which is better - and as far as the mouse thing, Susan, I already have 2 stuffed fish - I don't need a stuffed creature - besides, it was a bit chewed up from the fan. Ugh - Rejean threw it over the hill and I am sure it is gone by now - fox food.