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Friday, January 1, 2010


What a great night!!! A feast was prepared starting at about 2:30 - John, Bob and Davey got the briquettes going and bbq'd the ribs, chicken and sausages. Everyone brought something - it is usually pot luck up here for these special occasions. The newbys on the lake brought devilled eggs as well - I said it would be like Bobby Flay's TV show - which devilled eggs did everyone like the best - but they were all eaten up pretty fast. We were all standing outside enjoying the cold day - Bob was showing the new girls how to snow board down his driveway - they were pretty good. Once everyone was there we ate - there was tons of food. Linda had made - I swear - 50 pounds of potato salad and there was still 40 pounds left over. I took it into Bob's house to put in his fridge - I put it on the counter and - I don't know how it happened - but it fell on the floor up side down!!! Thank goodness the tin foil on top didn't come off and we were able to save the salad - no harm done. And I hadn't even started drinking yet!!! After dinner we all hung around outside around the fire - it was a good night - just a few snow flakes and it was cloudy - I was hoping for a clear evening because of the full moon but no such luck. A lot of people came on their sleds (snowmachines) Ron and Mary, Linda and Daniel and Linda's daughter and her boyfriend all came from Jobam on theirs - Linda got a new one for Christmas and it is quite the machine - very futuristic looking - she likes it.

Bob has a great party garage and some people were hanging around inside playing cards and pool and watching the jr hockey tournament - Canada and US - and Canada won in the shootout - great game. Daniel and Linda brought some champagne and we started drinking that at around 10pm - I think he brought a whole case of it!!! The bottles just kept on coming. It tasted good in my vodka and orange juice!!! Finally it was midnight and everyone started smooching (that's Rejean and Linda going at it) and hugging each other - there was about 18 of us so it took a while to make the rounds. Then the fireworks came out - Rejean had got some at the Trading Post earlier in the day - got a good deal from Keith on them - some weren't as good as we expected and some were great!!! I'd say at about 12:30 everyone was headed home. We took the snowmobile back to Joanne and Mitch's for our evening's accommodations - nice king size bed!! Then the next morning the first annual new year's day brunch at Linda and John's - I talked them into having it at their place because the water isn't turned on at Joanne's and I supplied the food - John cooked and Linda did the dishes as Rejean and I and John had out first annual new year's day sauna - niiiiice - got all the toxins out of our bodies. We packed everything up and headed back home - I got to drive the snowmobile back home - tried out my new helmet - it was fun. Time now to relax and get back to normal.

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year's Eve. Tomorrow, January 2nd, 2010 the Olympic torch is coming to Thessalon!!!!! Yes, it even come to little towns like Thessalon. We will head into town tomorrow to the Legion Meat Draw from 3-4pm then the torch comes at around 4:30 - I expect the whole town to be out for that - I'll have my camera ready to document the event - I even have my Red Mittens (made in China!!)

See ya By


Anonymous said...

nice fireworks-great fire-that garage looke nicer than my house-what a fireplace-you should get a snowboard for your driveway-it would be fun-sistersue-happy new year- i need you to come here the tues before the wedding to help with the rehersal party dinner as i have to work all week. ok?

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Janet!!!!
Jodie and Dave

northernbliss said...

I'll be there whenever you want me Sue - I am retired - maybe I can make some devilled eggs....