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Sunday, March 7, 2010


Barbara-Anne and Bonnie hard at work in the kitchen while Mary-Lou looks on
Dinner is served

Bonnie is the first one on the left and Barbara-Anne is also on the left next to Rejean. CHEERS!!

Mary and the beautifully set table

The dinner party was an absolute success!!! We arrived a couple of minutes earlier than requested, at 6:20. Ron and Mary were outside waiting for us. And Hughie and MaryLou arrived shortly after. The table was beautifully set and orderves were waiting for us. Wine and beer were offered to us. We met Barbara-Anne and Bonnie - Ute's friends - actually Bonnie has been coming up to LimberLost Lodge for years and she just recently invited Barbara-Anne along and she has been bitten by the LimberLost bug as Ute calls it. She loves it up here and is talking about moving up in the future and maybe opening up a restaurant - and we really need a good restaurant up here. The menu for the dinner was Coq Au Vin and salad and desert consisting of vanilla ice cream with tiny pineapple slices grilled on the BBQ in a sauce. The Coq Au Vin was served with rice and greenbeens and carrots. I have never had CoqAVin before and I loved it. I helped with the plates. Each plate had to be just so. 2 spoonfuls of rice, veggies and the Coq Au Vin with sauce. Bonnie was the garnish lady responsible for the parsley. The salad was delicious with a variety of greens. After everyone had finished their main course the desert was served - I had 3 of the little pineapple slices but no ice cream - they were yummy.
They will be back this summer and fall and we have already made plans to all get together again for more fun. Can't wait.
See Ya Bye


Anonymous said...

it looks and sounds yummy-why did you not eat your icecream?where are the ladies from?have you been the weather girl all winter?-sistersue

Eddie O said...

Janet: could you get this lady to come up during the hunting season, it would improve our menu...

northernbliss said...

Soooo what's wrong with MY food Ed?

Unknown said...

Hi Eddie!
Thank you! I would consider being the hunting season chef this year, sure!!! But Janet and I would come as a package deal!!!
from Toronto