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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Yesterday it got up to 55 degrees F and today our reading was almost 60 degrees on the balcony. We were, however, over on Stacey and Andrew's deck taking advantage of the weather conditions. Everything is melting. There is no snow left on the shoulders of the highway and very little near the highways. Snow is still in the bush but even that is melting fast. It has just been a very weird winter. Not that I am complaining. But I think we are in for one last big blast before all is said and done. The ice is melting on the lakes - people are taking their ice fishing huts off before the deadline. There is still lots of ice but the huts will start sinking down into the ice and if it freezes again it will be very difficult to get them free. And the ice by the shore is melting so when they use their tractors and trucks - well they are just asking for trouble.
I think tomorrow may be the time to get back on the highways for my walks.
Yesterday we were in the Sault bringing back Joanne and Mitch's new toy - an Artic Cat 550 4x4 quad - nice toy. But they know the mileage so I can't really take it out and play with it. Can I? Better not. Ours are still in the other garage but I think it will be about time to get those babies out...
See Ya By

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