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Monday, March 22, 2010


Another nice day -I got Stacey and Andrew's septic bed raked today. I had done mine the day before and worked on the garden. I am ready now for all the nice flowers and plants to start sprouting. And the ice is slowly melting away from shore. As you can see the water levels are way down. Hopefully we will get some precipitation in the next little while - there is already a fire ban in a lot of communities. When you walk in the bush, it is crispy. A bad time for a fire to start.

I got my walk in today and on the way back I visited with Ute - we went for another walk down her trail. All these years and I had never been down there. I didn't realize there were so many cottages down there. Nice places.

Rejean is busy with his mother's cabinets - It takes him a while to get into a project but once he starts, it is hard to get him to do anything else. He is very focused. He finished the cutting boards - thick maple - the wood from our bush. I wouldn't mind one or two of those. He is busy drawing out the next group of cabinets - I am going downstairs to do my exercises. It is 6:10pm and it is still nice and sunny out. Gee I like being retired...

See Ya Bye


Stacey said...

Thanks for the "rake job"!!


northernbliss said...

U R Welcome - just getting it spiffy for when you come up this summer. Can't wait!!!