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Saturday, March 27, 2010


This morning I helped Rejean rotate the fire wood. We moved the majority of wood from his wood shed to my wood shed. It will be easier to fill his with the new stuff when we get it split. We used the big brown trailer - it took about 2 1/2 hours. It's nice to see a full shed. We finally got to the dump at 1pm. He's over at Axe Lake smelting. I guess they are getting some in the lake. I hope he doesn't bring a lot home - they are a b-tch to clean.
Tomorrow morning we will attend a breakfast at the Sowerby Hall - pancakes, sausage, bacon, maple syrup etc. It's about time I got waited on instead of serving at the hall. The syrup will be from last year as this year's crop is not going too well. The weather hasn't been co-operating. Then Ron and Mary want us to go for a 4 wheeler ride with them back in the bush. Should be an interesting day.
See Ya Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

should be fun 4-wheelling-but i heard there was talk of snow in your neck of the woods??sistersue