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Monday, March 28, 2011


See any images in the logs?
A good fire going

Again, a cold morning but we headed over and got the fire started - we use old cooking oil to get it going - smells real good. Took about 1 hour to really get it going good but it burned all day long and took care of a lot of brush. We took down a couple more trees and the last one of the day we found a bit of sap was starting to run. We just made it!! We both were a little slower than the day before but now that we had all the trees down, we could take our time in cutting and stacking them. No sense killing ourselves.

See ya Bye


Elizabeth said...

I think you really need a dog to help you when you're working out in the woods.
The dog would be in heaven!

northernbliss said...

Any time you and Buster want to come and visit, just let me know. Buster would love it up here - lots of Fattys!!!