Last nite it was clear as a bell here - perfect viewing of the SuperMoon, as it was called. Apparently the full moon was bigger and brighter than it has been in 15 years because it was closer to the earth. We remembered about it just when we were going to bed. I looked out the bathroom window and there it was - it was bright!! But, when you can compare it side by side with previous full moons, you can see that it actually was bigger. When I looked out my bedroom window towards the east, the tracks on the lake from the snowmobiles looked almost florescent - they just glowed on the lake. And the moon shadows from the trees were very distinct.
When I got up during the nite (to go to the bathroom) it was like daylite outside. We finally caught a break to see some neat astrological occurances. In August, there is a meteor shower and usually it is a cloudy evening. But last nite was perfect for viewing .
Now if I could just see the Northern Lights that clear....I have a standing order for anyone to call me, no matter what time of the nite, when the Northern Lights can be seen. So far no calls.
See Ya Bye
Hi Janet,
Thank you for this most interesting moon story..where did you get the photo?
I was out at a 'green party' last night and we did enjoy the moon above Lake Huron, what a sight..
I got the photo off the internet - I always try to use Wikpedia pictures - I thought this was a great picture to show the differences.
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