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Friday, March 11, 2011

WHO ? ME?????

We have a new doctor so I scheduled an appointment to see her. She, in turn, scheduled some blood tests for me the next morning - Wednesday. Just the usual. Thursday afternoon, at about 4:30pm I get the call...I have to start watching my diet cholesterol levels were high!!!! What!!! Of course you are stunned so I didn't ask any questions. After I got off the phone I immediately went to google cholesterol stuff. I had to call the doctor back to get "my numbers". And they are high!!! My total cholesterol is 6.82 - considered HIGH; my LDL - the bad stuff is 4.23, again considered HIGH; my HDL, the good stuff, was 2.0, considered BEST and my triglycerides was 1.14, considered DESIRABLE. But you could have knocked me down with a feather. I consider myself to be in very good health, give or take the occasional hot flash. So, when I got this news, I was dumbfounded. I exercise regularly, I am not overweight, I don't smoke, I drink socially (depends on what the occasion is), I eat good food. So, how did this happen? I read all the labels of stuff I eat all the time. There was not a lot of cholesterol on the them. I don't eat a lot of eggs or dairy products - I have one cup of coffee a day with 1/2 and 1/2 cream and I eat porridge a lot. Maybe it is hereditary - but my parents died over 30 years ago of different causes other than heart conditions. The nurse said to call back in 6 months for another blood test. I said I would have it under control by then. I guess I have to step up the exercise routines - maybe up to 1 hour a day of cardio and weights. Eat more fruit and vegetables - less red meat - but I eat lots of skinless, boneless chicken boobs and lots of fish in the summer. I will cut down on ground beef - we had ground chicken tonite instead and it was delicious. I do like to have ham in my salads - which we have every nite - and I noticed the cholesterol count on the package was high so that is out from now on. And I am sure I won't miss it - just add more veggies.
I am determined to bring these numbers down in the 6 months I have before my next test. Any tips anyone can offer would be appreciated.
See Ya Bye


Anonymous said...

6.82 is not a death sentence ! Lay off 1. Pepperoni ,2. French Fries , 3. Fried Fish , 4. any prossesed meats and anthing fried ! ! ! Coffee has no effect on your score .

northernbliss said...

But I love pepperoni!! But, I will do what I have to do...

Anonymous said...

Dear Janet we all know how much you love your cheese. Cheese is dairy that needs to be cut back

Anonymous said...

good morning read your blog the best thing to use is Golden Flax seed ground a tablespoon in cereal or just in the mouth ...for a month or whenever you want to it works in our house..

Anonymous said...

what is difference between golden flax and just flax? do you buy it in seeds and then grind it?sprinkle on oatmeal -jo does with brown sugar and blueberries. i will start watching mine also-don't know numbers yet but i will next month.does exercise decrease numbers?

Anonymous said...

I was told that golden was better to use different taste which we like I bye it at the bulk food store.I bye it in seeds and grind it,with the coffee grinder.Dont know about the excerising part but....excerising is a good thing in any case.

northernbliss said...

Exercise is VERY important - do as much as you can. Cardio and weights. I do about 1/2 - 1 hour every day. I am lucky to have the equipment and room.

northernbliss said...

ps - thank you everyone for all your tips - I will try the golden flax seed - I know they don't have it in Thessalon - I'll have to wait until I go to the Sault to pick some up.

Anonymous said...

Yes they do have it in Thessalon at the Dollar Store in the bulk food thats where I got mine.My brother inlaw had open heart done he had high chlorestoral and he started to take golden flax seed and when he went back for blood work in a period of time the doctor asked him what he was doing different ...just flax seed the doctor said...its working for ya.And his chlor.was down to nothing

Anonymous said...

You like to eat bread; well you can get bread with Flax seed taste good and is also good for you.