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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Blah blah blah blah blah...there is only so much you can say about working in the bush doing your fire wood. A lot of people don't have access to stands of trees so they have to purchase their fire wood. They get something called a "bunk" of wood delivered to their property by local loggers who provide this service. Bunks are logs of a certain length, and the people have to cut them to the length that will fit their wood stoves - ours are 16 inches - then they have to be split. Around this time of year, everyone is getting their bunks delivered and you can see the pile of logs on their front lawns or in their laneways. People are hard at work getting their wood done.

We have about 10 cords down so far. We are headed for 15, the number that Rejean says we need. We still have a lot in his wood shed but mine is really depleted. Remember, I have 2 wood stoves in the house that I feed daily. Our next chore is to transport the logs to the other garage where we will split them, then stack them to dry over the summer. Then, in the fall, we will transport them again to the wood sheds by the garage and the house. It is a lot of work but a great feeling when it is finally done. Thank goodness we are still ABLE to do this type of work without killing ourselves...

See Ya Bye


Unknown said...


Tell dad "Hello"... got his voicemail on Friday.... forgot to call him back..... Oooops!

Anonymous said...

maybe it will go faster with a little bit of help from your friends who come to visit every spring and fall.....

Anonymous said...

Confusius say many hands/chainsaws make light work.