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Friday, December 30, 2022



We had another big snow fall the other day - another 8 inches or so.  It was perfect snowmobile weather.  Sunny and not too cold.  We went for another burn on the two machines.  Andrew and Stacey on Stacey's machine and Rejean and I on Andrew's machine.  It was Stacey's first time out on them.  Same trip as before down to the Trading Post and back.  We had fun.

But a big warm up was on the way.  It was 8 degrees when we woke up this morning with the snow slowly falling off the house and garage.  It had already fallen off the back of the house last nite.  It shook the house as it always does.  It will be a mess out there today.  We will try not to drive on the driveway because it will just leave big ruts and when it freezes up again, they will be left.  

New Year's Eve tomorrow but maybe no big party in our future.  People around us are still getting covid and the flu so we will just stay home and relax.  

Saturday, December 24, 2022



Our third Christmas spent at home.  We had planned on heading down to Windsor for Christmas but due to some health issues with some people down there, it was decided to postpone our trip to maybe April when everyone is feeling better.  Good thing as we were also hit with that big storm.  We got about 12 inches of the white stuff.  But none of the wind or freezing rain.  And as I was all done my Christmas shopping and had some food we didn't have to go out.  Stacey and Andrew are on their way from Elliot Lake for Christmas and some more snowmobile riding I am sure.  

Jodie sent some pictures of the boys on their Christmas Eve where it is about 10 pm right now.  They left a plate of cookies for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer.  They are saying goodby to their elves on the shelf Smudge and Fudge til next year.  

Susan is all set to host their Christmas with her new puppy Windy.  A Bernedoodle - part Bernese Mountain dog and Standard Poodle - should be a good size.

Joanne and Mitch are staying warm during Calgary's deep freeze.  Dreaming about their upcoming trip to Mexico no doubt.  

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope all your wishes come true.  Stay Safe and Healthy.

Monday, December 19, 2022



We have been lucky in that we have been getting snow a little at a time and not all in one big dump.  Stacey and Andrew just recently purchased a couple of snowmobiles and Andrew has been anxious to try his out.  It was a beautiful day on Sunday so we all geared up and off we went.  We were the first ones down the Little Pickeral Lake trail to the Trading Post.  Much easier going back thru our own tracks.  There were a few spots that you could feel some rocks but as we were going slow, it was not an issue.  Our "classic" snowmobile handled perfectly which was a relief.  We hadn't had it out since 2020 and then only a couple of times.  But once Rejean had the battery in, it started immediately and handled just fine.  We checked out Joanne and Mitch's place and had a visit with their neighbours Brent and Nat.  Andrew got a good taste of riding the trails but it will be nothing compared to when he gets on a groomed trail.  We all have our trail passes and I think this will be the year that we get more than just one or two adventures on our machine.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022



There is a bit of demolition going on at Parker's and the scrap wood has been nicely stacked and ready to burn.  Stacey and Andrew and Rejean and I and Sam took care of it on a beautiful December day with little wind and bright blue skies.  We used some left over oil to get it started and once it lit, it burned quite well.  We had to use some small "trees" as pokers as you couldn't get too close to the fire because of the intense heat.  I think Andrew lost part of his eyebrow once.  (not really)  We had chairs and brought beverages to stay hydrated.  Next time I will bring some hot dogs to cook.  Sam would like that I bet.  Took about 3 1/2 hours for it to burn down - shorter period of time than I thought.  There will be more wood to burn as the demolition progresses so I see more bonfires in my future.  A great way to stay warm on the cold days ahead.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


I have been absent from my blog for a while now.  Just find it hard to sit down and comment on things that have been going on but after speaking to a few people about how much they miss my postings, I promised to make a solid effort to return to NorthernBliss.  

I have been lucky so far in that I have not had Covid (that I know of) while other people have.  They say that eventually everyone will get it.  I have had my 2 vaccines plus 3 boosters so if I do get it, I feel confident that it will be a mild case.  But with my asthma and this stupid chronic cough I have, I cannot be 100% sure.

We had a great summer with the boys and Jodie - and even Dave showed up for a couple of weeks.  The boys were amazing!!  They turned 8 on August 27th and the last time we saw them they were 5.  What a difference!!  You could carry on conversations with them and they were so entertaining!  They love fishing.  Charlie fishes while Monty picks out the best worms and nets the fish for him.  They are into rugby at home and are taking drumming lessons.  Toys that make noise.

We also got to Windsor for a family reunion/ birthday celebration this past summer.  Claire, my beautiful mother-in-law, turned 96!!  She was so happy to see all her family together again.

The Scott Sisters got to St Pete Beach again this year.  We survived Hurricane Nicole!  We just hunkered down in our room and enjoyed the show.  We stepped out once and was amazed at how strong the winds were.  A few of the locals said that the winds from Nicole were worse than Ian just a few weeks before.  No damage done to the Bon Aire other than a few branches and debris.  

We have snow right now and our lake is frozen over - a little too early for my liking.  Rejean is getting the tractor all ready with the snow blower on.  We are as ready as we can be for winter again up here.  

Sunday, June 19, 2022


Wishing all the Fathers and Step Fathers a very happy Fathers' day.  


Tuesday, June 7, 2022



Their flights have been confirmed.  We will have them for a good 5 weeks plus Dave will also be coming for the last 2 weeks.  I have a lot to get ready!  



Sorry for the delay in posting.  We have been busy with all our spring chores.  But not busy enough that we didn't get out fishing!!  Rick was up for his annual spring visit.  We hit one of our favourite spots and rick was on fire!!  He caught a lot of walleye.  I caught the biggest bass I have ever caught.  I thought I would never get him into shore.  When you get a big bass in a strong current - well lets just say it was a lot of fun.  And out on Tunnel Lake one morning, I got that beautiful pike.  I thought it was a big walleye because he was shaking his head but when I started reeling him in, he started acting like a bass.  I was surprised at his size.  We let him go as we did the bass.

The other pictures are of around here, waiting for the kids to come in July and the play house is 95% done - just some inside stuff.  We are waiting for the kids to help with the climbing wall.  We will let them decide where the holds will go and then let them screw them in with real power tools.  They will like that.

And the last picture is of a special flower around here.  If you know me, you know I call these testicle plants for an obvious reason.  They are really Pink Lady Slippers.  Very beautiful and impossible to transplant.  Every year I seem to have more and more.  I enjoy them.

Sunday, May 8, 2022



Another Mother's Day without my beautiful Mom.  She was young when she passed away very suddenly.  A brain aneurysm in her very early 60s.  I felt funny when I passed the age when she died.  It didn't seem right that I should live longer than she did.  I still felt young and was sad that she missed so much.  She missed the birth of her third grandchild, Kyle.  And she would have been a great grandma 4 times over.  She would have loved Charlie and Monty and they would have loved her.  Bishop and Raiden would have had her laughing so much.  

I miss her every day...

Monday, April 18, 2022


 Snowing again today.  The lake is still ice covered with only a very limited melt close to shore.  There is still snow in the bush.  It is very depressing to say the least. We can't get to the wood yet to start splitting as the pile is still covered in snow.  We need a few days of sun and warmer temperatures to get the snow melting.  We are lucky we have the play house to work on and I must say I am very impressed with our progress.  The boys will love it!!  We built it in the garage and will take it apart and reassemble it when we can get to the spot where it is going to go.  That spot is still snow covered as well.  It won't take long to put it back together.  the difficult part will be having enough help to move it from the garage to the site.  Joanne and Mitch will be here the middle of May and Rick and Steve are coming as well.  We will have to have lots of beer on hand.  Now fingers crossed that Jodie and the Boys and Dave will be able to travel this summer.  It has been a long time...

Sunday, March 20, 2022



Finally the first day of Spring!!  It has been a long winter up here.  Lots of snow but the temperature hasn't been that bad.  We never had a morning where it was -40 - close but never that low.  My wood held out as did Rejean's wood.  We have our blocked double bunk of wood waiting for us over at the other property to start splitting once the snow melts enough that we can get to it.  We bought all our pressure treated plywood to repair our balcony - 5 sheets at $67 a piece!!  Not cheap!  Over the years we have had some water leaking in a corner and the floor is a bit soft so we have to get it fixed.  Plus we are in the middle of building the boys a playhouse.  Some joy finally as they are supposed to be coming this summer!  After missing two summers due to the pandemic they are trying to come.  Pictures when it is finished.  I must say it is sucking up 2 x 4s like crazy.  I think so far we have used 35 not to mention the plywood and all the other details we are incorporating.  But it will be amazing.  Charlie is worried about the time line and if it will be finished in time and Monty wants to know if they can have their own rooms!!  Jodie is trying to bring down their expectations a bit.  It will have a slide, a climbing wall and steps plus a deck.  It is 8 x 8 and the interior will be 8 x 5 so lots of room inside for them to play.  It will be right by the trampoline so we may never see them all summer.

The first picture is one of our sure signs of spring - the racoons are out.  Eating up all the bird seeds the birds missed.  Hopefully when we bring in the bird feeder they will move on.  Not creatures you want hanging around.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Wednesday, February 16, 2022



I was at the Post today talking to Cathy and she mentioned she hadn't seen pictures of the boys lately so I promised her I would post some today - I do do requests!!

The first picture is of them with their new year's eve glasses on.  Can't believe how big they are getting.  They will be 8 this August!  Where did the time go?

Next is them during lockdown doing E Learning.  Yes.  Even across the world they did that as well.  And Jodie, being a teacher, was doing her E Teaching at the same time.  Hope they had enough computers or laptops.

The next is them doing family 5Ks.  Both Jodie and Dave are runners - as is Aunt Stacey - so it is in their blood.  They get out when they can and when it isn't100 degrees!!!

And a picture of one of the fish children.  They both love the water and are very good swimmers.  Can't get them out of the water.  They find the water here a bit chilly.

And finally a picture of the four of them.  The boys are getting a bit big to be picked up.  But they still enjoy it and as long as Jodie and Dave can still manage it, why not.  Makes a great picture.

Hope to see them this July!

Monday, February 14, 2022



Wishing all the Lovers out there and regular people too, a very Happy Valentine's Day.  Enjoy!

Friday, February 11, 2022



Sorry I have been missing for a bit but it is what it is.  But I promise to be better at Blogging and keeping you up to date what has been going on up here in this winter wonderland.  

Lots of small projects this winter.  One of them was a beam for Stacey and Andrew's cottage.  They priced one out and it was almost $1000.  We decided to make one ourselves.  A faux barn board made out of regular pine boards.  They used a wire brush to scuff it up and then used a torch to burn the whole board.  then a grey stain was applied and you really couldn't tell the difference.  Rejean made some black pieces to hide the seam and then matched up ones for the ends where the beam meets the walls.  All in for about $150!!!

Next Rejean bought a new truck and it is a nice one.  We had to wait for it but it was worth the wait.  It is a bad ass looking truck.  It clashes with my orange car but they had a new compass in the showroom in the same red and if it is still available next year when I am due to get my new car, I am getting it in red.  Sharp looking car!!

AND I Wordle!!  It is addicting to say the least.  I don't do too bad for first thing in the morning which is when I do it.  And if you think I actually got one on the first try, I didn't.  When I did my first one it was not on this site so when I found the game where they keep track of your games, I put the word in in the first line and it registered as a guess in the first line.  This shot is from last week I think.  AND I also do Wordle2 which is a 6 letter game instead of 5 letters.

And my little project was these two feathers I made for Susan and Joanne.  I had seen some on Facebook that sell for $100 and I thought I can make those.  Not bad for my first try.  I used some old cedar boards from Stacey and Andrew's deck that had rotted but we kept them.  I have learned around here you never throw out anything.  HaHa

Well I have to get back to watching the Olympics and just to let you know I am rooting for the Bengals on Sunday because it is the year of the Tiger.

Saturday, January 1, 2022



Everything that has a beginning has an end.  So forget the past, plan for the future and enjoy the moments!

The Best Is Yet To Come !