Rejean with his catch of the day. He thought he was snagged but pulled up an Ugly Stick and a Shakespeare reel - a little dirty but none the worse for wear. It will clean up nice. We were on Tunnel lake fishing by 7am and back home by 11:30 with 4 fish in the live well. I got 3 (that's my biggest one in the picture) and Rejean got one (+ the rod and reel). Dinner for tomorrow nite. Yum Yum. We may go out again tonite after supper because it is a perfect day for it - overcast and calm. You never know. But tomorrow is the big 4 wheeler day trip - lots of action photos. See Ya By

PS Happy Father's Day to all you Fathers out there - you know who you are.
1 comment:
hey where did you find my rod? Take good care of it ya right Eddie o
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