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Sunday, June 14, 2009


We have been down south in Windsor for the past few days in a whirl wind of a trip - as it always is. It is so hard to get in a visit with everyone. We were last down at Christmas so it has been a while. We did get some time with Rejean's mom Claire, Stacey and Andrew got us one nite. Then rick and Joan another nite and then Johnny Shotz for a little party for Rejean's 60th. Stacey wanted to have it at her house with a tent and stuff but at Johnny Shotz you just walk in, have a great time and then go home. No muss, no fuss. And they know how to accomodate you. I highly recommend Johnny Shotz for any celebration.
Andrew was getting Rejean to do Yagerbombs(?) a mixture of red bull and Yager stuff. I think he did a total of 4 all night. I was expecting the worst but he did maintain. Actually he woke up early Sunday morning and woke me up to head back home. We were off by 7am!!
All we did was shop and spend $$ - we were at Costco 3xs!!! But we got what we wanted. And now we are back home. And I am back to blogging.
Rejean is out tomorrow helping with a fish count with the ministry. It is a whole week so I will be able to clean and get ready for tourist season which officially starts this weekend with Chris and Egon - and their new boat and new 4 wheeler - should be a blast.
See Ya By

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